{10} Shoto Todoroki x Female Reader "Arranged Marriage"

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Note: You're in your 3rd year of U.A. close to graduation.

Warning: Kyoka is gender-bent for plot reasons

Shoto and I have been happily dating for 2 years and we've been happy together, my quirk is called fear I can give up to five people crippling fear and anxiety that will either make them knock out from the panic attacks they gain or I can easily restrain them using hand to hand combat I can only use it up to 2 minutes and my heart rate gets out of control that I have to take a break or else I can sustain a heart attack. Back to my relationship with Shoto we've had a couple of problems with rumors and well we both agreed it would be of best interest to our parents that we say we are in a relationship but for selfish reasons. I am currently going home from the long week and my parents had called me and the school saying they needed to talk about something important, my parents are both very wealthy pro heroes and they have money they can throw around easily and they sometimes like to show it off which disgusts me. That was a fun topic to share with Shoto, it was the first thing we both had in common even though we sounded edgy with the, "I hate my parents," line. I need to stop going back and forth, sorry I also happen to suffer from ADHD so haha so fun, I think sometimes Shoto gets annoyed with it since it never allows me to stop moving but we both learned to adapt to it.

"We are here master (Y/N)." My driver and personal butler say from the driver's seat effectively cutting me off from my thoughts of talking to myself.

"Thank you, Robbin." I nod to him and the door opens for me while I step out of the car and stand straight and walk to my parent's meeting room.

"Hello mom, hello dad," I state as I walk into the room and sit down seeing a tray with sandwiches and tea that is decorated with white, gold, and a little bit of black, seriously they've become so rich with all the missions they did when they were younger than they are living the good life until they die.

"Good afternoon son we have such big news for you." My mother smiles at me which I give a small one in return or else she'll get mad.

"What is this news?" I question wondering why they wanted this meeting, they would usually call me for most things they expect of me at the end of the week and I usually fulfill those in a heartbeat since they would disown me if I didn't.

"We've made an arranged marriage for you and a beautiful boy in your class!" My mother squeals, at this news my heart stops and my eyes widened.

"What? You...you have to be joking." I say in the state of denial.

"What is the matter we put into all this effort so we better at least receive a thank you." My father states annoyed with my reaction.

"Oh, hush darling I bet she's ecstatic I would be too if I knew I would have strong babies in the future." Mother says to Father.

"So that's what this is about," I say out loud angry at this. "What about Todoroki? Does he know of this?" I ask.

"Oh him no we haven't told him we couldn't even get through to his father how annoying." Mother grimaces, "Such a brute too, his father, of course, I couldn't even stand to even meet his child."

"You don't even know him."

"Oh, and you do?" My father speaks again with a rough tone, "I remember you telling us specifically you're only using him for popularity and money since he oh so confessed to you, don't tell me you've fallen in love with him." I stare at Father wanting so bad to say the truth, I look at my mother seeing what she thinks of this and she looks like she has tears in her eyes, "Don't tell me y-your into t-those brute types."

I calm down and my face softens, "No I haven't fallen in love with him, ever since being in the hero course they had us show more compassion towards one another but I have no romantic feelings for him." I state successfully lying to both parents.

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