{6} Shigaraki x Male Reader "Mistake" Part 4

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Ever since I was taken in I never spoke a word, I didn't want to speak to anyone except my Player One. They even attempted for me to take a plea deal, I did break the law using my quirk to attack, and kidnapping, but nothing made me speak up. I heard from the doctors that I started sleep talking but all they could ever get out of me was the words Tomura and Player One. All I ever did in my cell was sit there with my head down or played with my necklace, they tried asking about the necklace but I only got aggressive and accidentally activated a quirk I didn't even know I had.

The normal woman doctor went to sit in her chair that was set across from where my bed/sleeping area is. This particular day I was playing with my necklace that I refused to take off, before my capture I took both necklaces to a jeweler and had him replace the metal with silver so it looked better than what it was and it wouldn't break easily and the quality was better.

"What's that necklace for?" The woman questions, it was an innocent question but I snapped. My normal (E/C) eyes turned a bright (F/C) and I started growing into some sort of beast. It took 10 minutes but they were finally able to restrain me, five of the guards had to go to the emergency room because one of them grabbed the necklace and I went ballistic and started throwing my arms everywhere hitting all the guards with no mercy.

After that day I wasn't allowed visitors for a week to ensure I wasn't going to attack anyone else. When I was allowed visitors it was under strict supervision and behind a glasspane. So I was forcibly moved but I never said a word, I only looked at my lap. During that week I was barely fed anything as a punishment for using my quirk, I learned later that I was in a cell near All For One.

My door opened and I looked up with my eyes to see who it was, after the week I was starved I didn't eat that much as if my body already adapted to not eating food and I barely even ate anything for the next couple days before my doctor told me something.

"You know Tomura would want you eating." My head snapped up.

"R-Really?" My voice squeaked as it hasn't been used it for two weeks. She nodded, so I started eating more, if it was for Tomura I would do anything, I just wish I could see him again and tell him I only tried getting Bakugou for him I didn't go with him. The doctor wrote some things on her clipboard before leaving. I finished eating and when the guards came to collect it they were surprised to see it empty, I just laid on my bed not wanting to talk to anyone.

The next day was pretty much the same except there was a different person in my room, not my doctor. "(Y/N), how have you been holding up?"

I look up and see an old friend of mine, Shinso he was the one person who could understand about having a 'villainous' quirk, I didn't want to talk so I only looked back down and started playing with my necklace again, "What's so important about that necklace?" I snapped my head, "Leave now!" I yelled at him but then my mind felt foggy, dammit his brainwashing quirk I'm sure.

"Tell me what happened on that day you were expelled." Shinso tells me.

"I went home after packing my things and I couldn't contain my emotions anymore so I destroyed everything that represented heroes or U.A. then Shigaraki popped up in my house, I believe from a warp gate. He offered to rescue me from my false sense of security and asked if I wanted to join the League so I did. He carried me into a portal and we were at the bar, he introduced me to everyone and I was given a room. I stayed there and only came out for food or the restroom."

"Why did you join the League?" He only got silence, "Tell me why you joined the League, why didn't you deny their offer."

"U.A. painted new to be the traitor so I decided it would be best to give them that reassurance, it's not like anyone would want to see me after word got out, I would never have a chance in the world again so it was my only option left.

"Tell me when did you tell the secrets of U.A. to the League and what did you tell them."

"I didn't tell them anything about U.A. until a month later after intense training and when Tomura asked for it, I told them different exits and entrances of each floor, where the teachers would be, the students and their quirks and everyone's weaknesses."

"Tell me why you don't want to come back to U.A."

"Everyone is still going to believe I was the traitor, I will never be able to become a hero. And I fell in love with Shigaraki Tomura I never want to betray him, he was always there for me and now I want to be there for him."

"Tell me more about your relationship with Shigaraki."

"He only let's me and All For One call him Tomura, he was always there when something was wrong. He always knew when I acted differently, he always demanded to know what I was thinking and he always made me feel better and safe in his arms. He was the only one I hugged on a daily basis, we became really great friends until it became more than that, he never once stopped my training but he would always give me food and make sure I was healthy. He gave me reasons to trust him, to like and love him, and now I'll do anything for him if it meant he was happy with me."

"Tell me why did you go with Bakugou the night you were captured."

"I didn't go with him, I tried capturing and restraining him but his explosions launched us both in the air and I was too high up to fall safely. When I saw we were descending I wanted to get away from them and back where I belong."

"Tell me if you had the chance would you go back to U.A.?"


"Tell me why you wouldn't."

"Tomura wouldn't be there with me, I would never want to face him in battle on opposite sides."

"Tell me if Shigaraki wasn't in your life would you go back to U.A."

"I don't think I would be able to."

"Why wouldn't you be able to?" He sighed, "Tell me why you wouldn't be able to."

"I was contemplating suicide, I couldn't even think about everyone's disappointed glances and angered glares from the people that once loved me, U.A. confirmed that I was what everyone thought I would be even though I wasn't apart of the League." After that he let go of his brainwashing quirk and I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "You promised you would never use it on me..." Before he said anything the door opened and I used my beast quirk that turned me into a large wolf again along with my scanner to ensure I would escape this place. I ran, dodged, and knocked out guards and other people I trusted at one point I saw All Might but he wasn't the All Might I once knew and I didn't want to hurt him so I ran around him and I busted through a reinforced window that I learned was in the second story. I fell and got up and continued running wanting to find the League and officially be with my love, I knew there were a couple factories Tomura had picked out for temporary hide outs and I needed to go to each one and see if Tomura was there.

I end up at the third factory and I heard some voices inside so I opened the door and see the League was inside, they all got into defensive positions until I deactivated my quirks, "You're all here." I say smiling then I just allow myself to succumb to sleep.

/////The Next Morning/////

I soon regained consciousness and realized I was in someone's arms I snap my head (up/down) and see the person with me was Tomura I relaxed and smile before giving him a quick kiss then cuddling him more so glad to be home with Tomura and the League. He pulled me away and told me I had to go answer questions with the League so he called everyone and they all asked me questions like how I escaped, what happened when I was captured, why didn't I tell everyone I had more quirks, why I left, and if I still wanted to be a villain and I answered them all truthfully. Sometimes Twice would say something funny which made me laugh or him and Toga would make fun of me.

At the end he hugged me tight and said, "I love you my Player Two."

I quickly hugged him back happy I was in his arms again, "I love you too my Player One."

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