{2} Sigaraki x Female Reader "Mistake..." Part 1

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Quirks: Invisi-gun & Scanner Vision

Invisi-gun function: Users can shoot invisible bullets from their pointer fingers when they make finger guns. It only activates when making a gun-like sound.

Scanner Vision function: Users can perform complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them. Allows them to know their intimate properties or detect their presence. Users can also diagnose the condition of what they observe and find inconsistencies or errors.


I walk towards principal Nezu's office really nervous at what I could have done to make me be called here. I knock on the door and hear a small, "Come in." Before walking in." Have a seat please." Nezu tells me and so I sit down my leg unconsciously bouncing up and down in nervousness. "We've chosen to expel you (Y/N)." Nezu tells me with his hands folded on his desk showing me that he was serious.

"What? Why?!" I yell unable to control my emotions.

"We believe you are a threat to this school, we have video evidence of you sneaking around the school before and after school hours. This has rose suspicion and you are no longer welcomed to this school. I'm sorry but you're unable to become a hero." I let his words sink in and I let my head hang down as I stare at the floor.

"Your making a mistake," I say sourly and bitterly trying to stop myself from crying and having a mental breakdown right in this room.

"We might be, I hope this could be proven false in the future. But for now please return your school ID and pack your things." I only nod my head and give him my ID and walk out grabbing my things heading out of the gates of U.A. I take one last look at U.A. the school I tried my hardest to get into. The school that makes your hero dream a reality. The school I made a ton of sacrifices for just to make my dream a reality only for it to be ripped out of my hands for a false statement.

I quickly walk to my house and slam my door close, I stand in my living room that was full of things that represented heroes and U.A. I start throwing things, destroying things, and cry letting all of my pain out. I was so close to becoming a hero but was stopped because I acted suspiciously before and after school? How does that make sense? I start hearing footsteps coming towards me, I look up only to get met with a hand almost touching my face. I then look down and say, "If your going to kill me please make it quick, it's not like I matter in this world anymore."

I don't feel anything and I look back up and see Shigaraki looking around at the room I just destroyed then looking at me with concern. "Don't give me pity," I sniff and then blow my nose with a clean tissue I had in my pocket, "I don't want it."

"What happened to you girly."

I just let out a dry chuckle, "U.A. believes I'm the traitor," I look up at him, "Believe that?" I let out another chuckle. "They say I was caught on camera acting suspicious during non-school hours."

"A traitor? We don't have one in U.A." He tells me.

"Y-you don't?" I ask looking up at him, he just shakes his head, "Although that would be a fantastic idea."

I only start crying hearing this news, "Then why the hell did they get rid of me! I-I, I worked s-so hard just to be a hero and they throw me out like I was nothing!"

I feel Shigarki's arms around me, "I know exactly how you feel, you feel like you've hit rock bottom. You have nowhere to go, nobody to help you, and no place to call home. I've felt it all, just like you, but someone helped me, rescued me from the unfairness in this world and gave me everything and more. So I'm only going to ask once. Would you like to join the League of Villains and allow us to be the people that helps you." I tense up and stared wide-eyed, I put my arms around Shigaraki and nodded, "Y-yeah I w-will." I muttered feeling better already in Shigaraki's arms.

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