{23} Shoto Todoroki x Trans Male Reader "All Types of Surprises"

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Request by: @EliskaTrobona

Trigger Warning: Transexism (Transphobia)

O/N = Old Name (dead name)
M/N = Mother's Name

Quirk: Bubble Forcefield - Quirk pretty self-explanatory, user can create bubble-like forcefields to protect a group of people or capture people. Users can also manipulate these forcefields by making them larger or smaller and—with extreme concentration—can create a bubble forcefield and move whoever/whatever is in there to a different location. Drawbacks - the user gains migraines and occasional nosebleeds when overusing, if the user continues to use quirk then they could faint.

I get home from school and I go to the bathroom to take off my binder, I look in the mirror and see my chest and I wish I could just wrap it...but I can't I promised Shoto I wouldn't. Even though I was probably the weakest one in class 1-A Todoroki chose to talk to me, I was surprised at first since I would never believe one of the strongest would talk to me let alone propose. I chuckle at the fond memory.


I stood in line to get food as I looked up to see what I could afford, 'Looks like I'm eating rice again.' I think to myself before smiling fondly as they pour me a bowl of steamed rice as I pay the cashier, 'Not like I don't mind having this 4 out of 7 days money's been tight since they rose the rent.' I sit alone by a table and look out the window seeing the large hill full of flowers that look beautiful, I think I might have found my favorite place to go sit at after school to avoid going home.

I make a circle with my mouth and blow and a small bubble comes out and floats for a bit before it drops as I catch it in my hand and play with it, rolling it between my fingers, throwing it up, and catching it again, it's quite funny because people believe I'm incredibly talented but they don't know I can control these forcefields and it's almost like second nature for me to control tiny forcefields like this. You could seriously throw me a marble and I'll fumble with it but the moment I put a forcefield around it I could easily make fluid motions and entertain an entire crowd.

"Y/N." I hear a voice that startles me and I accidentally drop the marble, I look over at the voice and see Todoroki another anti-social person in my class.

"Oh hey, Todoroki how are you?" I ask not actually wanting to know how he is rather why is he talking to me, nobody wants to talk to me, that's why I sit at this table known for antisocial people.

"I am doing fine, how are you feeling today?" He asks.

'So he wants to make small talk.' I think in my head but I nod and give a kind closed-eyed smile, "I'm doing great just a little tired ya know." My smile becomes somewhat painful, 'How many times am I going to say that until someone notices I'm not okay.'

'He's lying, I don't know how I can tell but the signs are there. He's in pain.' Shoto thinks in his head.

"Uh, Todoroki you there?" I ask and Todoroki seems to snap out of his thoughts and look at me clearly, "You okay? You were staring into space there."

"Tell him you were just getting lost in his eyes! That'll be so romantic!" I hear a familiar feminine voice tell Todoroki but I cannot tell from where.

"No, tell him you were just starstruck by his beauty." I hear another girlish shriek again from who knows where.

"No, ribbit, you should tell him that his smile was so amazing that you couldn't think straight." That was from Tsu definitely, it was like they were here but I cannot see anyone behind him.

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