{12} Tomura Shigaraki x Male Reader "Mistake" Final

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Note: I had to replace this chapter I did not like it and I had this idea so I just decided to post it instead of not uploading it
          The song doesn't really matter too much it just gives you an idea of where I got the lyrics and some line I thought fit perfectly into this scenario

Chapter Note: This chapter isn't centered around the ship

Warning: Season 4 spoilers ahead

"I'm going to be fine I promise," I tell Shigaraki who hasn't let me go since the last meeting with Overhaul knowing that I'll have to leave in the morning with Toga and Twice to continue the phase of our plan.

"I know but I can't help but worry, you mean everything to me."

"And you mean everything to me too." I peck Tomura's forehead, "And so much more." I tell him while holding him in my arms underneath the covers.

I feel him relax and I smile, "Goodnight my love." I mutter before sleeping knowing Toga and Twice are going to give me hell when they wake me up.


The three of us walk down, Toga skipping, as we eat our donuts I bought from the donut shop slash cafe I protect regularly. "I now understand why you protect that place now," Toga says before taking another bite of her pink sprinkle donut, "These donuts are amazing."

Twice agrees with her, even his other personality thinks so which is amazing since they usually contradict each other, "Hey where did you even hear about that place anyway?"

I freeze a bit but continue walking to hide the fact I'm not exactly over everything that happened with U.A., "Well before I joined you guys I used to go there all the time with my best friend, well I don't know if he considers me his best friend anymore."

"Well if he doesn't give me his name and I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again!" Toga says while smiling at me.

I scoff but smirk at her, "Thanks for the offer but knowing your newfound crush on him I doubt you'll ever hurt him to take revenge."

Twice looks at me, "You don't mean? Of course, he means—."

"My Izuku Midoriya is your best friend!" Toga says getting blushy and excited.

"Well he is still my best friend but I don't know if he considers me as his best friend anymore."

A thought hit Twice like a truck, "What about Shigaraki and his obsession about pulling the plug on him?"

"Well if the time comes where I have to choose Tomura or Izuku, I'd probably do what Tomura says but until that time comes—which I hope it doesn't—," I mutter the last part to myself, "I'll continue letting Izuku live because he's still my friend and I don't want to hurt him, but if he gets in the way, of course, I'll have no choice but to fight him."

"Well, it's good to know you're on our side who knows what could have happened if we didn't pick you up."

"I bet I would be a mafia boss or something cool like that." I joke.

Toga snickers before she couldn't hold it anymore and starts giggling, Twice starts laughing after seeing the two of us laugh. I'm not sure if he laughed because he found my joke funny or because he didn't want to be left out but it's great either way.


We make it to Overhaul's place and the three of us stand in front of the main man himself and his team of dedicated followers, I still hate this guy more so after what he did to Big Sis Mag and Compress.

///// Flashback /////

I see Tomura disintegrate one of Overhaul's teammates before he comes back from potentially dying by Overhaul's hand. I have been standing back scanning everyone trying to get their weaknesses as fast as I can. After scanning Overhaul I look at what's leftover of Big Sis Mag and it's just her weapon. I look over at Compress and his arm is gone just like Big Sis. I form a fist out of anger but continue scanning before my eyes start hurting.

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