{25} All Might x Former Student Male Reader

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Not a romantic chapter

I see All Might and his new student Izuku Midoriya, they're training just like how All Might and I would all those years ago. Since his departure, I've been training harder and I've found myself losing touch with reality...humanity....I've been waiting for the day I get to see him. I give out one of my famous psychotic smiles and walk up to the two. My metal arm clashes with the metal support and armor that my cloak covers along with my shoulder and arm from the public, it's such a dead giveaway to who I am if someone were to see it.

"Hello sensei it's been a while," I say with a smile. The shadows of the trees give me shade and they cannot see much but I can tell my old teacher recognized my voice.

"Y/N?" He questions while Midoriya looks at me confused.

I dial down my wide smile into a smirk and I step out of the shadows as All might stares at me shocked and Midoriya looks surprised at my appearance, I do get that a lot especially since my left eye and the surrounding parts of it is made out of metal. The only way to use my prosthetic left arm was to get a surgery done and connect a chip to my brain, it was very risky and took all kinds of scientists, doctors, and engineers just to get it right and working.

I know the rumors about me being a villain have hit him, and the fact that I'm with the League hit him as well. There's no mistaking the villain with a glowing F/C eye and a silver arm that shoots concentrated beams of F/C lightning.

"Young Midoriya go back to U.A. I'll handle this." All Might turns into his hero form.

"A-All Might w-what's going on?" Midoriya stutters as All Might struggles to hold onto his form.

I look at the boy who is about four years younger than me and smile kindly at him, "Izuku Midoriya from class 1-A, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." I hold out my hand for him to shake but All Might stands in between Midoriya and my hand, my smile falls and I have a frown on my face.

"Young Midoriya leave now!" All Might commands and Midoriya, with the use of his quirk, leaves.

I watch him leave and I can't help but get angry but try to remain calm even if it proved to be futile, "He was the successor I couldn't be correct?"

"You will leave young Midoriya out of this."

"BUT HE IS ISN'T HE!" I yell at my former teacher. "Even after four years I waited for MY TEACHER to come back but I find you already found a better successor!" I can't help but get emotional as I remove my cloak revealing my left side and showing my prosthetic.

He looks at it shocked, "Your arm."

I look at my metal arm and smile, "Oh this, pretty fancy right?" I make a fist and open my palm upwards and look at All Might, "But you wanna know something cool?" I point my palm towards him and a F/C beam of lightning shoots out and hits All Might sending him flying backward. I know of his retirement and I'm his old student so I know his limits, he's done with One for All.

All Might lays on the ground painfully attempting to get up to fight but his form already depleting. I shock him with more lightning and he screams in pain and drops to the floor again, "Seems like Midoriya also got remnants of my quirk huh?" I ask rhetorically obviously knowing the answer to that as I take large but slow steps to All Might knowing he's too weak to fight me. "After all these years your still the same. Remember those training routines we did together? You were like a father to me, and yet...you....abandoned me."


All Might, my idol and someone I considered to be my father, and I have been training for an entire year. Most, if not all, of the training, was for my quirk and making it better to fight villains with. I no longer had that lean build and put on some muscle, I wasn't exactly muscular but I did have some defined parts. "Y/N I think you're ready." All Might tells me, I look at him shocked.

"Are you sure I'm ready for your quirk?" I ask. He nods and I can't help but be a little excited as weird as that sounds but I was a kid and that's to be expected from someone in my age group. He transfers his quirk and we continue training to allow the quirk to 'settle in' as All Might put it before we decide it was time to test my new power.

I activated One for All and did a punching motion to the air in the clearing we were at, there was a large explosion of air pressure but we were both horrified when my arm exploded as blood was splattered everywhere. I was in so much pain and All Might immediately rushed me to the hospital and explained it to be a quirk malfunction. There were no more questions asked as I was rushed into surgery and they patched my arm.

"The surgery was successful L/N is resting currently, you can see him if you want." I hear the doctor say from the hospital room doorway, I see All Might come in and I smile.

"Y/N how are you feeling?" All Might asks me standing next to my bed.

"I'm feeling good, they gave me a lot of medicine so I wouldn't feel the pain in my left arm. Good thing I'm ambidextrous or else I would have to have learn how to write again." I give a chuckle but All Might didn't even smile.

"Y/N, this may be hard but can you give me the quirk back?"

I was surprised by his request but did so anyway, "Yeah you can have it back." I no longer had One for All but it didn't matter to me too much.

"We can try again, I'm sure next time—." I get cut off.

"There will not be a next time." All Might says sternly.

I was hurt by what he was saying, "What? All Might you said."

"I know what I said, but Y/N you're not strong enough to handle its power."

"With more training, I'll get the hang of it, I know I will."

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm afraid you'll never be ready."

I stay silent before looking at my teacher with hopeful eyes, "We'll still train together right?... I can still be a hero even with one arm."

All Might gives me a painful smile, I should have known something was up then but I was so naive and believed All Might was some all-powerful being that only delivered happiness to the world, "That's right, you can still be a hero."

I smiled brightly, even though I was in pain and losing consciousness I smiled wide for him just like he taught me, "Then it doesn't matter if I have the quirk or not as long as you're with me nothing will go wrong..." I pass out my smile faltering as I had a peaceful rest.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I can no longer accompany you on your dream." He tells me and leaves the hospital.

/////Flashback ended/////

When I woke up the next morning I found that All Might had left, I expected him to visit me at least once but he never did. I start smiling, giving him that smile that he taught me but it had some twisted look, tears started falling but my smile did not falter instead it grew wider, "You just left! I waited every day for an entire year! I trained more wanting you to see just how far I came while you were absent...but you never showed up." I hold my palm out powering a more concentrated and high-powered beam while All Might lay weak on the floor in his retired form, "And Midoriya will feel the same way I felt all those years ago."

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