{9} PTSD Bakugou x Male Reader "I'll always be right behind you."

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///// Bakugou's P.O.V. /////

"Where's your boyfriend now Kat-su-ki Ba-ku-go." I hear the taunt coming from the voice of that villain that kidnapped me a month ago say from behind me. I quickly pulled out my hand to try and blast them away, but when I was about to let out an explosion from my hand there was nobody there, only smoke. I then felt a familiar warm hand holding the back of my neck, which caused me to freeze, "I'm right behind you, heheheHAHAHAHA!" The villain cackles before my vision erupt in blue flames, I jolt awake in a cold sweat and hyperventilating.

"Katsuki, baby, you're okay. I'm right here I'm the one behind you, you don't need to be scared anymore." I hear a familiar voice say as they hug me from behind making me calm down, "It's going to be alright just put away the explosions." I didn't even realize my hands were popping with explosions until (Y/N) pointed it out. I calm myself down enough and I look to my boyfriend who has been sleeping with me and helping me with everything.

"I'm sorry, I'm meant to be strong and look at me crying like a baby." I cry out and wrap my arms around (Y/N)'s neck as I feel him pull me in closer and sat me on his lap.

"You are strong, and you did amazing keeping yourself from breaking after being captured by the villains. You're back in my arms now and I'll be the only one behind you from now on so you won't ever be scared of someone coming from behind." I only shakily nod my head trying to calm down as I stay in (Y/N)'s arms, he's the only one I trust with all of this, he's the reason I'm not to my breaking point anymore, that and my fight with Deku.

"T-Thank you (Y/N) for being here for me," I say and I look at my wonderful (H/C) haired boyfriend who has stuck by me at my asshole state and weakest state, he kisses me on my forehead. I wipe away my tears and say, "Hey asshole you missed." We both share a chuckle before he kisses me on the lips and I melt into the kiss and wrap my arms behind his neck when we eventually pulled away and we placed our foreheads together.

"Let's go back to sleep we have training in a couple of hours." (Y/N) tells me and I just nod, "Just hold onto me please." I tell him.

"Of course love." We then get back into bed and I put my back to him and he spoons me, "D-Do I ever annoy you with this?" I ask him.

"Babe of course not, you went through a horrible thing no high schooler should have gone through, in my eyes, this is just going to make you stronger, and just because your scared now doesn't mean I change my mind about anything I said about you. You're strong, wonderful, full of anger, explosive, sometimes a jack—."

"Okay, I get it." I interrupt him with a small smile on my face.

"And that's what makes you the great Katsuki Bakugou, my amazing boyfriend." I feel him hug me tighter and bringing me closer to him.

"You know how to say the sappiest shit," I mutter feeling tired.

"And that's why you love me~."

"Yeah maybe, good night."

"Good night."

///// The Next Morning & (Y/N)'s P.O.V. /////

I wake up from my peaceful sleep and see Katsuki in front of me still sleeping, I unwrap my arms from his sleeping form and I quickly tiptoe to leave to my room. I open Katsuki's door and close it and I turn around and see Todoroki exiting Izuku's dorm room, "You don't say anything and I won't say anything."

"Deal." We then both go to our dorm rooms, 'Todoroki's gay? Not that surprising but Izuku? I always thought he had a thing for Ochaco.' I thought but shrugged my shoulders and quickly got changed to start on a spicy breakfast for Katsuki. I wasn't a very good cook at first but Katsuki helped me and made sure I didn't burn anything until I eventually was almost as good at cooking as Katsuki but of course he was better.

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