{27} DekuSquad x Male Reader

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photo by: lovely-kunoichi on DeviantArt

I know Christmas passed but this is too amazing not to share, I definitely would go check for more art.

Midoriya was walking home after a long day at U.A. excited to see his mom again, the one bit of normality he still has after this surreal dream. He enters the house and announces that he's home, "Mom I'm back!" He takes off his shoes and enters the house and realizes something was wrong. He searches the house cautiously in search of his mother, to anyone else they would just assume nothing is wrong. But Midoriya knew immediately something was wrong because his mother was always here when he came home, no matter how early Deku tried coming she would always be here. So the fact that she isn't answering him lets him know something is wrong.

He arrived in the kitchen and found a note on the table, Midoriya scanned the area one more time before reading the note, "Don't read this out loud. Oh well, that part is kind of too late."

'If you want to see your mother, again come to this *125 chamomile ave* at 7 pm. Burn this note after reading or else there will be consequences.' Fear immediately took over Midoriya as he checked the time only to find that he had 15 minutes to get across the city. He quickly lit a match and burned the note as fast as he could not wanting to anger whoever has his mother. After burning it and washing the ashes down the drain he used his quirk to jump on the roofs of buildings and trying his best to get to the address he memorized. He cannot be late no matter what.


He made it just in time and was out of breath looking around where his mother would be, "Hello Izuku Midoriya." Midoriya immediately turns to Shigaraki with a scowl.

"Where is my mother?"

"Now, now, don't get too hasty, you got here on time so nothing has happened to her. Yet."

"You do anything to her and I swear Shigaraki!"

"What? You'll do what exactly? We have your mother so we make the calls, I'll be honest you're mother is sweet and it would be a shame if we had to leave a couple of cuts."

Midoriya growls in anger, "What do you want?"

Shigaraki smiles, "You."

Midoriya is taken aback, "What?"

"You Midoriya," Shigaraki says taking a step to Midoriya, "All this time I believed you were connected to all my problems. That upon killing you would get rid of all those problems." He pulls Midoriya in an awkward side hug with four of his fingers touching his arm, "But then I realized, you have many connections to powerful people and many friends."

Realization hit Midoriya, Shigaraki wasn't only after him. He was also after, "My friends." "Your friends"

"Wow look at us, having a conversation like two friends would. We're both alike you and I, red shoes, weird hair, traumatic backgrounds. I'll give you a deal, you and your friends join the League as spies and I'll let your mother go immediately." Shigaraki starts giggling, "This is an offer you cannot refuse. Your mother or the hero society. You know deep down what a hero would choose but I can tell that's not what you want to choose. Oh, the fate of a hero. Such a tragic one."

Midoriya looks down his hair covers his eyes, "Fine. I...I'll convince them to join. But." He makes fists with his hands and looks at Shigaraki darkly, "If you even hurt my mother, I won't hesitate to kill you." Midoriya starts walking away, something about him changed that day. The fact that villains would use his mother against him.

'That look. That was a look of a villain.' Shigaraki thinks with a smile as he enters the warp gate that opened behind him. 'I can't wait to see what they become.'


Midoriya talked to the entire group, Iida, Ochaco, Tsu, Hagakure, and Y/N about what happened the night before and asked them to help the League to save his mother. Iida was not fond of this plan and said nothing only looked down. Everyone was silent which made Midoriya nervous that he would never get his mother back.

Y/N sighs, "What your asking is extremely selfish and extremely risky. If we get caught we would never have normal lives again. You do realize those risks right?"

"W-w-well y-yeah b-b-bu—."

Y/N interrupts, "But I think I speak for all of us when I say that we'll help you."

Midoriya starts tearing up, "Y-You w-w-wil-l."

"Yes, Midoriya we will," Tsu tells him and Todoroki nods.

Hagakure assures him, "Yeah your mother's in danger we cannot let her get hurt."

Ochako nods, "Yeah, we're with you Deku."

Midoriya turns to Iida, "Even you Iida."

Iida sighs, "I disagree with this completely, but I know if our roles were reversed you would help me in a heartbeat. So I will push aside my feelings about villainy and help you."

Midoriya starts balling his eyes out not believing he has such great friends, Y/N pulls the crying boy in his arms and holds one out for the group, "Come on group hug. Because after this we only have each other." Everyone groups up and hugs each other tightly knowing that this will probably be the end of their hero careers, forever.

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