{13} Jiro Kyoka x Blind Male Reader "Music Love"

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Quirk: Earth Manipulation - User can manipulate the Earth with just a few movements from your arms or legs, the Earth becomes less controlled with only one movement from a ligament so the more you move the easier it is to control the Earth.

All throughout my life my disability was practically thrown at my face, Elementary/Primary school...

I'm walking with a dog at my side who is directing me to go to class, many kids constantly want to pet my dog but their parents don't allow them too. Eventually I feel a push and get knocked to the ground, "Hey!" Says the person who pushed me.

"Do you think your better than us? Why do you get to have a dog at school while the rest of us have to leave our pets at home?! Huh?"

"I don't think I'm better than anyone." I say simply.

"What are you talking about!" He yells at my face.

"Chad what are you doing!" A teacher shrieks, I hear the patting of my dogs feet so I'm guessing my service dog had gotten the teacher.

"It's not fair he get's to have a dog at school—." The kid get's cut off by the teacher.

"That's because he's blind! He cannot see like the rest of you! I'm going to have to tell your parents about this." The teacher then grabs Chad and leads him to the office while he protests saying, "How was I supposed to know!"

"It's still not fair!"

"Let go of me!"

While that happens I stand up and feel for my dog who gives me his leash to lead me back into class while I can feel the stares of all the kids who witnessed everything happen but didn't say anything.

Junior High/Middle school...

I bump into something, no rather someone, this person pops explosions near my face but I don't even flinch, "Can't you watch where your going?!" He yells at my face, I look up where I heard the noise coming from and fake a wide smile while moving my hand across my face multiple times with my eyes not moving then I put my hand down and frown. He seemed to have gotten the point because he dropped the explosions, "Sorry." He muttered before walking away. I just sigh and start feeling my way around the school again trying to get to the right class.

Even sometimes in U.A. the hero school I got into.

"Hehe we are going to have fun killing you kid." A villain says in front of me.

"Why would he wear no shoes for a hero costume?" My hero costume was based off of Toph's from Avatar the Last Airbender I was basically the boy version of her and when I heard the series I became immediately obsessed with it once Toph entered the series. She was the one who helped me think that I could be a hero at a young age, she also gave me the idea of possibly feeling different vibrations and paying attention to them within the Earth to help avoid people without any help.

"Who cares let's just do what Shigaraki hired us to do." The last villain said before I felt them come closer, with a couple movements I threw a bunch of rocks at them and smashed others in pillars as well as captured others in mounds of rock to interrogate them. I feel a bunch of footsteps coming and I quickly throw rocks at them too thinking they were more villains.

"Hey it's just us can't you look—OW!" I hear my classmate Denki say.

"Well if you must know I can't see you and I haven't familiarized your heartbeats into my memory like Jiro's." I say and quickly take off the rock from Denki.

"Over here too (L/N)." Momo says struggling within the rock I put her in, "Sorry." I said and released her. Jiro then came up to me and hugged me, "I'm glad your okay."

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