{4} Shigaraki x Female Reader "Mistake" Part 2

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It was nearing the end of the first semester and the past weeks have been hectic with the entire league shipping Shigaraki and me. It was really funny but of course, we didn't let this get in the way from taking down U.A. plus I still wanted my revenge. So I trained early in the morning until late in the afternoon with only time to eat, drink, get rid of my slight blindness, and the occasional soar throat. I have learned I can change what type of bullet I want to use, depending on my mood I can shoot real invisible bullets that can and will kill people or I can use rubber bullets that will harm a person on a range again that depends on my mood and emotions. My scanner vision has gotten so much better where it will give me all the specifics of each organism I zoom in at and the best way to defeat them, my eyes change colors and glow a (F/C) hue. I finally get out of the training room and I quickly take a shower and get on some nice but casual clothes before I walk up to Shigaraki.

"Go on a date with me." I state while she was drinking something which made him spit it out before looking at me, "What?"

"Go on a date with me." I then grab his wrist and pull him with me, "It wasn't a question it was a statement I know you like me and I know you know I like you and I want to go back outside so let's go." I then push him into his room so he can get ready.

"Wow I didn't think (Y/N) could ever ask Shigaraki out," Dabi says after watching the whole fiasco.

"I bet (Y/N)'s top." Toga pipes up.

Shigaraki finally walks out in a black hoodie, jeans, his normal red shoes, and gloves. I hold my hand out to him, "Come on let's go." I smile to him, he shakily reaches his hands out and holds it in mine and we start walking to the mall.

"Where are we going?" Shigaraki questions.

"To the mall, we need to get you some new stuff. And I need medical supplies."

"But the mall of all places, it's always overcrowded with people who are so carefree they annoy me." I slow down, "Well then we can go to different stores."

"No, no it's fine. Just sick with me okay." I nod my head and smiled at him. "Okay, we'll stick together." And we continue on our way to the mall.

We finally made it to the mall and we continue sticking together, at one point I attempted to put makeup on him but that didn't go as planned because I didn't even know what a cleanser was. (Is that a thing?) The two of us continued goofing off and having a great time.

"Hey, I am going to see something I'll be back okay." Shigaraki tells me, I smile because I wanted to get a gift for him anyways, "Okay just call me when you need me okay?" He nods then walks in a direction. I took this chance to walk into Hot Topic to find something since he enjoyed more goth type things. I walked in and saw Tokoyami, I stopped there and stared at him surprised he was here. I broke myself out of it and quickened my shopping and I thought to myself, 'I should buy (F/C) hair dye so I can keep myself under wraps as a villain.' I smile to myself.

As I was looking at the jewelry section I see a necklace for pairs, one necklace had a ring that was thick and plain and had Player One in a fancy cursive font written on it. The other necklace was a ring that was thinner and had designs on it with the same font and had Player Two written on it. I picked it up and smiled, then got (F/C) hair dye. I walked up to the register, paid for my items, and walk out with a receipt and my tiny bag. I walked into the direction I saw Shigaraki last I couldn't see him so I decided to call him, as I was pulling my contact list I bumped into someone. I look and see it was a group of people I had bumped into, "Sorry." I mumbled and almost left before I was pulled back by my hoodie, "Where do you think you're going (Y/N)." Bakugou says in his usual angry tone.

"I am leaving out of this mall," I turn around to look at him, "I need to get home."

"Your place was trashed and abandoned when people went to search for you and you never picked up your phone, why is that."

"I've been minding my own business and I think you should do the same." I quickly hit his wrist which caused him to let go of my hoodie and I fully turn around to leave again.

"We are not finished here extra!" Bakugou yells and my old friends just look at this exchange not wanting to get in between it, I stop and turn around.

"Okay, we are not but." I make a finger gun with my unoccupied hand, "I think you remember how my quirk works." They all stiffen as I smile at them, "One sound could traumatize all these people around us." I then use my scanner vision and I see them all tense up more upon seeing my eyes, "Are you really wanting to place such a dangerous bet heroes." I giggle at their expressions, Bakugou was the only one in the group to not be scared he looked ready to kick my ass. "Here is the deal you wait 5 minutes before calling the police, enough time for me to leave safely, or you die where you stand. And before you say no, just imagine after I kill you before anyone could contact the police I could kill 50 maybe even a hundred innocents before the police could get here and arrest me. And who knows I could kill them too, so what's it going to be wannabes." I smile evilly Bakugou growls.

"We get it, you have five minutes." I then turn off my quirks and turn my back to them, I then look back at them while still facing forwards, "A pleasure doing business with you heroes, send Nezu a message for me will ya? I told you you made a mistake." I then turn back around chuckling imagining all their reactions when this is over.

I soon see a familiar black hoodie and red shoes walking just ahead of me, 'Shigaraki?' I put my Hot Topic bag in the front pocket in my hoodie so they don't identify me. I walk next to him, "We have to leave I have 5 minutes before a group of my old classmates call the police." I mutter to him.

"Huh, what did you say to make them agree to that?" He asks me. I only smiled and said, "I threatened to kill them and 50 to 100 innocents." He looks at me and gives me the same smile, "Well done (Y/N)." I nod, "So successful first date?"

"Oh it was a definite success, I even bumped into that brat and I got some advice from him."

"Oh? What did you have to say to get him to listen to you?"

"Same as you threatened to kill him and the innocents around us."

"I'm hanging around you all too much." I state and start giggling, he chuckles cutely himself, "Yeah our personalities can rub off on people."

"Let's just hope Kirogiri hasn't warped Dabi, Toga, and Twice to Alaska again. Remember that?" I start reminiscing on fantastic times at the League where the trio would take their pranks too far and they would get teleported, well Toga and Twice pulled the pranks Dabi was warped there to keep those two troublemakers warm.

Bonus: 5 minutes is up

Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina, Sero, and Denki all start fast walking wanting to meet with everyone soon they see Tokoyami, Izuku, and Ochaco and they meet up with them. You guys we need to call the police now, "Yeah we do." Izuku says his throat still sore from being choked.

"Who did you guys see?" Mina asks the trio, Ochaco answered for Midoriya, "Deku and I saw Shigaraki here, well Deku was the one who communicated with him, it's a long story. What about you? Who did you see."

"The traitor." Bakugou grumbles, "(Y/N) was here?" Ochaco says shocked. They nod their heads, "Yeah but she's changed, she's so much scarier than when she was with us."

Kirishima nodded still on the phone with the police telling them to get here fast. "She didn't even call us by our names, she just called us heroes in a tone as if she despised the word itself," Mina says still in shock one of her closest friends was the traitor and turned more villain like within a couple of weeks, it was painful for her to see. When the police got there everyone but the class was excused out, most of the class was confused at was going on but after questioning they understood

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