{29} Tenya Iida x Idol Male Reader Pt. 2 "Together Again"

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Requested!: Thanks TUODENOZEMITEHTLLA for requesting a part 2

I did so many shows and performed like Tenya was watching. I hope sometimes he would have even though he's really busy becoming a hero. I always knew he would be one because that's all he wanted to do, his goal was to get into U.A. and he would work really hard to be the best hero he can. I was doing my last interview before I could go back to see Tenya again.

"So Y/N we've all been wanting to know something about you." The interviewer says closing the interview with a couple more questions, "And this is a little personal so answer if you can." I nod my head telling them they can continue, "Is there someone a little special in your life because a lot of fans noticed you've been doing more fan service during shows." They pause as a compilation starts playing of me taking off my shirt and throwing it into crowds. Another of me winking to some parts of the crowd and especially to the camera.

I start laughing, "Wow you all catch on fast, I won't lie I did meet someone again that made me think about having a dating life but it's complicated currently. I won't say their name or gender because I respect their privacy even though their  dream field of work shows their identity."

"Oh~ well I guess we will have to wait to see who this special someone is. Well, that's all the time we have for today. See you next time folks!" The interviewer says before shaking my hand and saying goodbye before leaving backstage. I do the same except to a different area where I can finally take all this makeup off and rest before the last concert.


I stop reminiscing as I continue writing the perfect song for Tenya and me. I finally convinced him to take a day off from being a hero and to come to a concert. Tenya and I have been dating ever since I came back from that almost year-long tour. Thinking about it makes butterflies enter my stomach again.

///// Flashback /////

I smile to myself as Mac told me he was able to get me entry to U.A. but only a visitor pass for the Class dorms. If I wanted to leave those dorms I had to be accompanied by someone from U.A.

I finally arrive in front of the entrance of U.A. because of the attacks only I was allowed to enter with the badge instead of the whole car. I didn't mind since I enjoyed going on walks but I couldn't wait to see Tenya again. When I was able to go through I went to the dorms for Class 1-A, when I go in I see practically everyone having a good time and doing their own thing. "Iida you have a visitor." Their teacher Aizawa announces making everyone look their way to me.

Even Iida looked surprised that I was there, "Y-Y/N I didn't realize you were coming so soon." He says almost tripping on the way to me.

"Alright I'm leaving, Iida you know the rules," Aizawa says while side-eyeing him.

"Yes sir, I do," Tenya tells him before Aizawa turns and leaves going somewhere in the dorms.

"How have you been Tenya it's been too long."

"It definitely has been. I have been good you know as good as everything can get when studying to become a hero."

"I bet, you've always had your eyes dead set on becoming a hero."

"You've also had your eyes dead set about becoming a singer and writing your own songs, our dreams aren't too different from each other."

"I beg to differ," I say with a smile. We both shared a laugh and we continued talking to each other and smiling so freely. Eventually, the sun was setting and I had to leave because of the tight security around U.A.

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