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"However, you.."

Soon after you finished reading the book, both you and Albedo had fallen asleep, him before you due to his previous fatigue. you had the poor heavy sleeping Klee's head leaning on your arm, everyone slept soundly and silently as the snow lightly fell outside the cave entrance.

the fire was dying out but was still burning, Albedo had his sketchpad in his lap with his arms crossed over his chest, the crackling flames were all that could be heard, that is until the sound of snowy footsteps reached the cave yet no one stirred. Someone moved Klee's head to lean back against the wall and constantly glanced over there shoulder at Albedo.

'this'll teach you not to mess with us..' he noticed as your eyes slowly opened and immediately covered your mouth and swiftly picked you up, constricting your arms and legs and hurrying away. no matter how much your weak body tried to force your way out of his grip.

Even when you kicked and punched it did nothing against the stronger man, eventually you were screaming so much that you got light headed and lost consciousness. 


the scent of something burning awoke you, your eyes slowly opening with a wary expression, "what.." you were tied up against a wooden pole that supported a tent, the harsh winds blowing outside. the burning smell was food being forgotten about, it made you gag and cough which alerted your kidnappers of your awakening.

"looks like she's up!" one called to the others, "she didn't have anything good on her, can't we just throw her in the river?" one asked as he leaned against the pole you were tied up to. "Sure, but we could get some ransom from that blonde guy who ransacked our camp earlier!"

you tried to wriggle free of the ropes but only got a burn as payment, the men before you continued to speak and you failed to listen as your only objective was to get free. a pulse ran through you for a moment, it tingled but wasn't painful, then next thing you know something sharp was in your hands.

Even if you got free, you couldn't fight and if you managed to run you'd freeze to death in the cold, that or just get lost and freeze. So for now you would wait until they let there guard down so you could run and get a grasp on where you were, "So girly, want some food?" he forced the burnt food into your face, forcing your gagging to worsen.

"hey, if you want that ransom so bad, better keep her in good shape" the masked one said, "fine, you can be on watch first tonight, I'm going to bed" after he walked out of the tent the masked man crouched down and forcefully took the sharp object from your hand. then he moved to crouch in front of you, some of his features became more clear now.

he didn't look like he was from Mondstadt but he was short with a handsome face, blue eyes with dark navy hair, bold red eyeliner bringing attention to his eyes. "where could you have gotten a piece of glass?" he gently dragged it along your cheek, watching your face contort and your body try to shrink away.

A smile was hidden behind his mask, however his eyes held enjoyment, pleasure, blood dripped down the small sharp bit of glass. then he stood, staring down at you "I have no genuine interest in being a treasure hoarder, however, you.." someone called for him so he paused mid sentence with a sigh.

"take it, i don't care if you get out or not" he put the glass back into your hand, with a sadistic smirk, he left the tent. taking the chance he had given you, you carefully sliced the ropes and rubbed your wrists "what was his problem.." you wiped your cheek then peeked out of the tent, why he was called out was beyond you because none of them were anywhere to be found.

however you snuck out quietly then hid to look around, nothing was standing out, just a lake and up stretching rocks. "where in Barbatos am i.." you were beginning to panic, lost, confused and the fear of being abandoned was getting to you very quickly. "I'm so screwed.." you whispered to yourself.

if you got caught who knew what would happen, maybe that mysterious guy would chain you up and torture you, how would you escape then? how would you escape him? Just as your anxiety was about to take hold, quick footsteps reached your ears, it sounded like two different people.

to scared to creep from your hiding place, you tried to peek to see who was there and much to your surprise, saw the long haired alchemist and the small blonde sweater wearing girl. both looked anxious, nervous, worried, "Klee! Albedo!" you cried running towards them, your body was weak, weaker then usual, you failed to run to them, tripping on the way. "ow.." you whimpered.

the pair hurried to you, Albedo cautiously glanced around before helping you up, "Let's go, now" he ordered as he helped you up, "can you walk?" you wobbled for a moment. "I'm unsteady..but i can walk" Klee held your hand and smiled, "I'll help!"

he sweet expression made you smile, "I'll carry you again if need be, but if you can walk, then let's go" at first you walked slowly and Klee tried to make sure you didn't fall then 20 minutes passed and Albedo was able to lead you back to your previous camp. "I'm sorry.." you sighed, sitting down against the wall, attempting to relax your fear stricken body.

"Klee, warm her up please" he requested as he put things back into the bag, "Okay!" she walked closer to you and snuggled up to you, her pyro vision quickly warmed you up. "thank you Klee.." you whispered to her, hugging her closer, seeing you both so comfortable made him regret having to get you both up again.

"We'll be cutting this trip short, my lab is much safer, we're running out of food anyways, since someone likely snacked on our food recourses.." his cold tone was directed to Klee who only giggled. 

"hey, Albedo.." you began, "hm?" his faint hum told you to continue, "when i was tied up, i felt all tingly then found this piece of glass in my hands, that were tied behind my back" you handed him the savior that cut you from the ropes. "Glass? but we're miles from any buildings with glass windows.." he wiped the still slightly fresh blood from the glass "how did you cut your face?"

you expected him to come to the conclusion of how you got the cut on your cheek, "well i wasn't dumb enough to cut my own face if that's what your implying" his eyes widened then he shook his head. "No, no..did they hurt you?" his worry spread across his face, he was beyond confusing. "one minute you distant and your worried? you surely are confusing.."

"but no..all they did was..wait.." Klee looked up at you, "One of the treasure hoarders knew i had the glass but let me go anyways, he was really mysterious.." you mimicked Albedo whenever he was thinking, putting your hand to your chin and closing your eyes. "i don't think he was from around Mondstadt, maybe Liyue?"

"what did he look like", you repictured when he was crouched in front of you "Dark blue eyes..Navy blue hair with bold red eyeliner" 


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