The warm beach shore

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"I see the weather has cleared since i was last here.."

the dragon flew towards a large island, preparing to land on the higher cliffs until Diluc piped up and mentioned something about landing on the big island. Kaeya looked unsure but didn't stop it, "It's warm..i should have brought something more fit for the climate.."

you let go of Albedo and stood up on the dragons back, moving towards Dvalin's head. Kaeya and Diluc looked up at you in confusion, Diluc warned that it was dangerous to get closer to Dvalin's horns but you took his words with a grain of salt.

"No worries, I'll be fine" you treaded lightly on the beasts neck, carefully grasping his horns. "Five hundred years of painful nightmares. "I hope your sleep was more peaceful then mine"  you leaned against his horns, "I can't remember it, so maybe? By the way, can you tell me about what put..i guess both of us to sleep for five hundred years? And try and keep quiet.."

"As you must have heard from others, it was a great battle resulting in the area of Dragonspine turning into an odd ball of snow and ice. The end of the battle left me corrupted and left your former creation, Durin, dead on the mountains side. It brought me sorrow to see his body or his bones, i knew he meant quite a lot to you..didn't you once mention you the soul you made him with was made with your lovers soul?"

"Maybe i did? Can't say i remember..and uh where are we landing?" Davalin chuckled through his beastly nostrils, "That red haired one, he mentioned an abyss mage hideout on one of the major islands and thought it best to land safely on a smaller island"

"an abyss hideout ay?" Dvalin nodded slightly, "Hey Diluc! What about an abyss mage hideout?!" he perked up and faced you "Don't worry about it!" he yelled in return. "Well if he wants to land on a smaller island then that's fine..Dvalin, we should chat again sometime..i guess your my dragon buddy now"

He chuckled as you ruffled the plume around his neck, "Alright, i appreciate this by the way. remind me to thank Venti when we go back" Dvalin nodded. Softly digging his claws into the soft sand, landing softly and as quietly as a large dragon can.

"I trust you can defeat a few Hilichurls, I'll be off now, be careful Radisana.."

You rubbed his beak one last time before he took off into the sky, "Bye Bye!" the great dragon of the four winds roared so loud you could here him from the shore, starting to erupt it laughter. "Well now what!" the guys were whining over something, Diluc stood with his arms crossed while Kaeya was glaring at him.

"um, What's going on?" Albedo looked over to you calmly as he was not a part of the ongoing conversation. "I think Kaeya was trying to bridge to the other island but when Diluc stepped on the ice it melted" Kaeya clicked his tongue.

"Exactly, It's irritating, who made pyro and cryo so incompatible!" you chuckled, "I think you're just mad Diluc's hotter then you, ah in a vision sense"(i actually said this while playing the quest

Diluc looked dumbfounded and Kaeya was about to burst into uncontrollable laughter, "Oh my archon! You hear that!? Albedo, it look's like you got more competition!" The blond sighed. "Hey, Y/n we're going"

"Right..right, But uh where did Razor go?" Diluc shrugged, despite his red face he kept a calm manner. "While you were talking to the dragon, he jumped off in search of something that caught his eye. He will be fine"

You smiled at the embarrassed red head and waved, "we'll just go over here, since you guys are pretty loud when you argue" Kaeya had no sly remarks and Diluc simply nodded "Be careful, there's Hilichurls all over the place" you thanked the former Calvary Captain and followed Albedo's sandy footsteps.

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