Annual festivities

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this takes place in basically a whole different timeline and or universe, not a part of the story at all so, yep.

also, you and Albedo have a kid in this so have fun.


Early dawn, its light flooded the room from the open window that allowed the fresh spring air to blow right in. the soft gold light rested on a lump of a human whom laid comfortably, she opened her eyes slowly to allow them to adjust to the mild light.

upon doing so, like every morning as of recent, she poked the man whos face rested about half a dozen inches from her face. she poked him until he began to stir, his eyes showed he was clearly still tired though, they seemed to brighten once they fixed upon whom was giggling in his arms.

"Hm, good morning my dear" he greeted, receiving a childish grin "Morning" she grew silent as he pulled her closer, pressing a soft kiss atop her head. "Windblume is starting up again.." she yawned sitting up, "indeed.."

he ran a hand through his hair, tangled and messy from the nights rest. "Hm" was his response, of course over time she had figured out the fact that he didn't enjoy festivals as much because this was not his birth nation.

However, since he became a father he's chosen to try his best to enjoy it even as a hermit whom still was almost desperate on finding the woman he considered his mother when he himself was much younger.

"Rubedo seems to have slept well last night.." Y/n nodded, leaning over to quickly peck his cheek before getting out of bed. "mhm! this is the first windblume festival he's able to attend right?"

The blond male nodded, last year Rubedo was quite sick during the festival and was bed ridden for most of the time then was told to take it easy after he recovered, leaving little to no time for him to take part in any festivities.

"it's early, he won't get up at a time like this" she stretched and faced her husband, "Do you just want to sleep in with me again?" he nodded, not even shying away in the slightest. she giggled and leaped back onto the bed, happily clinging to him with her usual bright smile.

he once again pulled her against his chest, and kissed the top of her head, "I love youuu..." she earned a small chuckle. "I love you too, darling"


the day continued to get older and eventually the couple was awoken by a rambunctious little bean, "Momma, Papa, Wake up! It's Windblume!" a small blonde boy jumped onto the bed. for a moment it brought back a fond memory.

"Come on!" much like his mother he shared plenty of energy, a curious gaze, and clear porcelain  skin. he had plenty of his dads attributes as well, as they were almost identical, however, Rubedo was born with heterochromia, giving him one sea green eye and one E/c eye.

It indeed was odd but it made him all more beautiful, "we're up.." Albedo sat up with a smile, rubbing the small boys head in turn earning a cheerful smile. "Momma waake up!" both the father and son now ganged up on Y/n, teasing or in Rubedo's case, jumping on her to wake up.

"Haha, I'm up" she abruptly sat up and tickled the small blonde boy, "you remind me of aunt Klee, you know?" Klee, whom was seven when Rubedo was born, was now twelve, since it's been about five years since Rubedo's birth.

"I can go to the Windblume festival this year right? i can go play with the other kids!" she nodded, kissing the boys head. "mhm, me and dad have to see some friends today, so Klee and grandma are gonna take you around the city.

(grandma as in Alice, Klee's mom, and the woman who took Albedo in)

"But i wanna be you you guys.." Albedo leaned over and pinched the boys cheeks as gently as he could, "we'll try and join you later, ok?" the boys eyes teared up a small whimper escaping him. the couple glanced at each other, "don't cry ok?..or me and dad will kiss and you'll have to watch..!"

Albedo looked at her with a raised brow, "i didn't agree to this.." Y/n rolled her eyes, "you agreed to this when you married me" she leaned in and softly kisses the blonde alchemist, a small laugh escaping her.

"Stop it! gross!"

Rubedo leaned onto her chest, in turn she broke away from the kiss and looked down at him "i promise we'll join you later and you can come gliding with us, alright?" he sniffled but nodded. "o-ok.." he hiccupped as Y/n kissed his cheeks "It's alright Hun, go get ready and we'll take you to grandma's.

he hopped off the bed, rubbing his eyes as he walked out of the doorway, Albedo leaned against her, nuzzling his cheek against her head. "c'mon, we have to get ready too" he intertwined his fingers with hers, his body still heavy from yesterdays work.

"hm.." she sighed, "Love, c'mon, we can't let him get excited and let him down, lets get ready to go"

they sat silent for another few seconds before getting up. Albedo wore mostly what he usually wore, minus his jacket which he chose to leave behind as it was warm outdoors and he had no plans of visiting the mountain today.

Whilst Y/n dressed in a short white and blue dress, with white thigh high stockings with white slip on shoes. "Rubedo, are you ready?"she hummed, walking down the stairs while she fixed her hair and was greeted with a bright eyed five year old.

he has gotten better at dressing himself, although his sense of style was in similar taste to the man who often visits every now and again, also known as the Calvary captain Kaeya. he latched onto his mother, and she picked him up.

"Where's papa?" he asked, "brushing his hair, did you brush yours?" he giggled and shook his head, "I like it when papa puts my hair up like his" she set him on the couch and grabbed a brush from the table.

"While papa does his hair, shall i do yours?" Rubedo nodded, sitting on Y/n's lap while she brushed out his hair that almost reached the base of his neck, then put it in a small ponytail. "Is that how dad does it?"

he pulled a few locks out of the ponytail, allowing to look all the more similar to his father "my gods you look just like your dad" she pulled the boy against her chest, squeezing him, resulting in his bright laughter echoing throughout the house.

"Hm, to think I'd have a kid that looks so similar to me" Albedo stepped down the stairs, wearing a calm expression plus the amusement in his eyes. "Hi papa!" just like how he latched onto Y/n when she came downstairs, he pushed his way out of her grasp and ran to his father.

"Don't neglect your mom like that" he picked up the small child and continued down the stairs, over to her. "do you want breakfast first?" Y/n asked, kicking her legs back and forth on the couch, "can we go to good hunter? please?"

her brows furrowed, "i told you Rubedo, me and papa have a few friends to go see, we can't be late and i want you to have fun.." he frowned, clutching Albedo's shirt as he was sad to let go for the day.

"I'm sure Klee and grandma will have breakfast at good hunter with you, Klee can show you how to shoot the balloons and show you her vision and all that fun stuff, the more fun you have the sooner we'll be back, ok?"

Rubedo nodded, "ok.." Y/n smiled, "alright! Lets go!" she head over to the door and held it open from the man that carried his son, joy and amusement evident in his eyes. 


ah, i've never written a chapter like this before so i'm sorry if it's a little weird.

anyways, i have a twitter now(Jellyplayer1) and i'm thinking about maybe making a discord because i really want to interact with more of you and explain story points that may be confusing. of course i'm only going to do these kinds of things if people actually want to talk to me or give suggestions and such, otherwise, i probably won't.

well any who, next chapter will be back on track of the actual story so, byeee. <3

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