Celestia shall catch us.

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Not long after you entered Angels share did the tavern close, you helped Venti home, listening to his drunken song. "Aha~ Y/n..I 'member when you'd have to take me home.." he hiccupped "And..and you'd be there in the morning to help me..sober up" the green bard hiccupped again.

"Venti.." the bard hiccupped again, but i sounded more like a sob then a hiccup "Don't cry ok? I'm not going anywhere" he smiled. "I..know.." he murmured sorrowfully, his head resting on your shoulder "Venti, i can't spend the night like i used to.."

"I know..you have someone to go back to now and he doesn't particularly trust me.." You frowned, and just as you opened your mouth to speak Venti shook his head. "Don't explain to me, just.." he hiccupped and then yawned, "We're almost there, I'll come over in the morning to check on you alright? I promise"

(ง •_•)ง

Not long after that conversation with Venti did you get him home, he insisted you go home as soon as possible so you didn't get to go inside for even a second. But if he wanted you to go home so bad then you would comply, after all you left Albedo asleep mid nap so he must either be concerned or asleep.

You felt unusually tired, it wasn't even that late and you didn't expend much energy at the tavern and yet you wanted to pass out on your feet. You asked yourself why you were so tired and thought it was the dandelion wine you had drank but you've drank much more then a single glass before and didn't feel this tired.

Something was wrong, but you didn't know that yet.

You opened the door to your home, your stance unsteady and upon hearing the door open and close Albedo came downstairs. "Y/n? What happened..? Did you go to the tavern?" you sighed "I did..but i didn't drink much, i just feel really tired for some reason.." he sighed "I can carry you if you're that tired.."

"Hm..that sounds nice.." Albedo smiled softly, you leaned onto him as he carried you bridal style and occasionally warning you about hitting your head at certain points. Then carefully setting you down on the bed, walking around to the other side to join you "Did you speak with Venti?" he asked, as he pulled your weary body closer to his own.

"Yeah..he told me that him and Dvalin weren't the ones to kill Durin, i did it and in the process i lost my gnosis" his brows furrowed in confusion "you lost your gnosis? Then.." you shrugged "i guess even without my gnosis, i am not that much weaker then with it" he glanced at your arm. "But without a gnosis.." he began, you already predicted where this was going "I am vulnerable to death just like everyone else, i just don't die to old age."

"So if things go wrong.." for the first time since you met Albedo, he looked like he wanted to cry "Oh Albedo please don't cry.." the blond pulled you as close as possible to him. "I was never meant to feel the emotions you've made me feel, i was never meant to feel the pleasure of love..to lose you is to lose all those feelings.."

You pressed a small soft kiss on the mans face, "Do not fear what may happen in the future, i am here now" Albedo's expression was love sick, he failed to shed a single tear simply because he could not do so. "we are never to part ways.."



Muttered a weak voice familiar to the alchemist.

"..I-..I don't feel well"

Albedo opened his eyes to the sound of labored breathing, "..Y/n? Are you sick?" Albedo slowly opened his eyes. Groggy and his vision still slightly blurry, he couldn't see the problem at hand until he noticed you sitting up and clutching your arm.

"It..it hurts.." you mumbled, making Albedo sit up in a panic "What hurts what's wrong?" he grabbed your hand and glanced down, his eyes widening with evident panic and fear on his face.

The mark on your arm grew a great size over night, it covered almost your whole arm now and creeped up onto your neck. It was causing great discomfort and obvious pain, so he couldn't sit idly by. He instantly thought about the odd man named Dain, and if the cure he mentioned was done but he had no way to contact him.

He quickly got out of bed, "I'm going to ask Jean where Lumine is, Come with me so Barbara can watch over you" you looked up, sweat slowly traveling down your brow. "But..it's so early, Jean can't possibly be awake.." Albedo shook his head, helping you up "She usually wakes up around the same time that the moon barely touches the horizon, she should be awake and if she isn't then we'll wake her up ourselves"

"What about.." you coughed "Ugh..what about Barbara?" Albedo sighed, "Jean will let Barbara know you need help, I am going to find Lumine" you clung to Albedo as he carefully picked you up. "This explains why you were so tired.." he mumbled a bit, "Pray to the archons this curse isn't taking effect a day early.."

You coughed again, leaning against him while your arms fell onto your chest "I-I'm sorry.." you murmured in your pitiful state. "Please, don't apologize.." he urged, trying to open the door to the knights headquarters, succeeding after a try or two. "I've caused you so much trouble after you found me..".

"Sh.." he knocked on Jeans office door, the acting grand master allowing him to enter but he didn't want to struggle with the door again. "Jean, somethings wrong, we need Barbara" the sound of hurried footsteps and the door knob twisting made Albedo step back a little and Jean was very quick to notice what was wrong.

"And do you have clue where the traveler could be?" Albedo inquired, "Last i check she was dooring early errands with Lisa.." Albedo carefully lended you to Jean whom carried you jut as easily was Albedo did. "Why?" Jean inquired "She knows someone who could fix this, but if the onset is early then.."

"The abyss might sense this..they might storm Mondstadt just to retrieve her" Jean looked down at your contorted expression. "Then I'll kill them all myself" Albedo's voice, his eyes, they became so cold at the drop of a hat that a literal shiver ran down the grand master's spine. Before Jean could question his sudden attitude change, he was off to find Lumine.

"Albedo.." You quietly mumbled, watching his retreating figure. His expression a mixture of angry, concerned, panicked and scary.

"..Please..be careful" 

When my time is up, Have i done enough?
Will they tell my story?

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