Inlaid with lies

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(Another beauty on twitter)

With your first step back in Liyue, nothing but nostalgia overcame you, the not so distant past of wandering through the city with the sixth harbinger as you're ever so 'kind' guide. "What'll we do first?" You asked, turning you're head to meet the alchemists bright eyes.

"Well head to the inn and settle before doing much else, perhaps eat something small then if it isn't late enough we'll shop for a few things" you were unaware of the events that had recently occurred in Liyue only but a few weeks ago. So Albedo rested assured that the fatui would not pull anything in the city without completely ruining relationships in Snezhnaya.

You could wander freely in the city if you pleased, without his guidance and presence free to mingle with whom you pleased though he would likely worry. "How much have you explored the city?" He asked while side glancing at you.

"From the docks to the city entrance, not much i think i've only seen the main street and plaza" He hummed closing his eyes for a moment before looking at the road ahead of him. "While i converse with a friend, you may do as you please. I have my doubts about letting you wander freely when there's many fatui in the city but you'll be alright"

Upon approaching the most often used entrance of the city, the two guards exchanged casual glances and continued to stand still in their positions. You waved at one like a friendly child, he returned a smile.

"You are too friendly with strangers" Albedo said softly after leaving the guards earshot, "What's wrong with that?" he sighed. "Well nothing i suppose, just not everyone is just as welcome to it as that guard"

You looked to the ground and chuckled, "Yeah, you're right" it was mid afternoon so the streets were at their prosperous with abundant life. Some shopping for food or for minerals, The shopping district was lively with children and their parents.

"We'll return when it's less lively, to many people makes shopping difficult" he stared at the sea of people with unease and looked to you. "Not a fan of crowds?" you asked with a smile "ah, perhaps i am"

With a small closed eye smile, you carefully grabbed his hand and begun to pull him through the crowd behind you. It was difficult at first, being short made it hard to shove taller people out of the way if need be.

A few people shot weird stares or occasional glares at you and the person you dragged behind you, to be fair it was an odd interaction to see nonetheless.

The stairs were just ahead and luckily no one else was crowding around them, so with a quick release of the blond alchemists hand you hurried over to them. "Sorry. But if i didn't do it you surely weren't planning to"

You placed your hands on you're hips and grinned, Albedo looked a little flushed with his cold colored eyes contrasting his reddened face. "Are you alright?" he coughed and nodded, "I'm fine..Come on. The Inn is not far and the sooner we get there the better"

"Ok, I was at the Inn when i was in the city last time! i know my way there" Stepping up the steps slowly, Albedo's voice echoed softly when he called you're name over the ruckus of the streets.

"He didn't force you into anything, did he?"

You blinked like a doe in headlights, "Huh? Besides the fact that he knocked me out" his brows slightly furrowed. "That's not what i meant but, considering you would likely tell me if something did. Do ignore that question, it was unnecessary.."

He looked away, glaring at the ground " the Inn?" He took a moment to breath in and out before looking back to you and nodding. "Yes to the inn"


The Innkeeper was friendly as usual and smiled when she recognized you from last you visited though she questioned whom was traveling with you this time. She asked if this time you'd prefer a single bed and in turn you shook you're head.

"Well actually, it's not my choice to make as i'm not the one who can pay for the room~" Albedo sighed, "Hmph" he greeted the innkeeper and they conversed with you stared out the window at people passing by.

In a short few minutes, He got you're attention back on him with a light snap of his fingers "We're off, come on then we'll head out" he thanked the Innkeeper and made a gesture for you to follow. "Alright!"

You followed the geo user without knowledge of another glancing at you from the window as he passed by on the open street. Solemn glint in his eyes, practically melancholy, lacking a reason to look so down whilst seeing an old friend.

"May the old you rest peacefully, as i fear you will never be the same wise soul i shared tea with.."

"Huh? one bed? did you.." Albedo hummed in acknowledgement to you're question, "It was cheaper..that's why.." you helped him out with some of the bags. "Your being a questionable amount of bold"

He had no response, his eyes calm and unwavering "Are you sure you don't want to fall asleep next to me?" You teased. He coughed and kept his face out of site, "It's not like tease. Are you sure you're well?"

You tilted you're head, "I feel fine" he recollected himself and faced you missing a flushed expression. "Hm.." he observed you silently before removing a glove to feel you're forehead just like before, "You're not warm.."

"Perhaps more of my personality is being unearthed?" a gloomy expression painted his face "I truly hope that is not the case, i prefer you're joyful and energized self. If you were to become a tease, well.." he sighed and shook his head.

"Something isn't right with you, and i surely hope you don't stay like this for long"

What the childs mind does when faced with dreadful events
It creates it's own fiend


that wasn't really a quote so let me give you my own that i thought of in bed


Death is but a dreadfully tragic play
And life is the short lived intermission

this was jumbled up a lot i know but i want everyone to pay careful attention to how Y/n's personality has drastic changes, and it's not because she's in Liyue or because she left Mondstadt.

Perhaps it's because of past events?

Or where our fallen god laid to rest in the snow?

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