Fierce and calm

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"Jeez it takes forever just to travel from Snezhnaya to Liyue.."

Scaramouche sighed, "It takes about a week, sometimes more, but you were asleep for about two days and were only awake for the last few days of traveling" you watched the land ahead get closer, "Guyun stone forest is so pretty.."

"You should still be resting" he said, voice blank, missing any emotions, "I should be, but I'm too excited! i miss my friends.." Scaramouche stared at you, side eyeing you with a dull expression. "That friend of yours, who tried to stop me, he should be fine by now"

You looked over at him, "Well, when we get there, how exactly am i gonna get back home?"

"Don't you have some friends in Liyue?" you smiled, "Yeah but he doesn't exactly like escorting me places, other then him, all my friends are in Mondstadt" He sighed, "I most definitely won't be welcome back in that city for some time.."

You shrugged, "Maybe if i explain they'll at the very least see that you helped"

"After i basically kidnapped you?"

To be fair he had a point that you couldn't argue against, I mean, if someone who stole someone you cared about after attacking you, I'm sure you wouldn't be all to happy either? "That alchemist, he seems a bit protective of you, so when you return all battered and bruised like you are"

"I'll tell him it wasn't you"

"Why?" you leaned against the ships rail adjacent from the 6th harbinger, "Because deep down, i think you try to suppress the good in you" the ocean breeze made the décor on his hat sway elegantly, "Your a fool to think such ludacris things"

He kept his eyes closed, his exterior calm and at ease, though in secret he just wanted to avoid your gaze, as if you just figured him out. "I think I'll take a nap before we get to Liyue, byee" you waved then ran off to the guest cabin you resided in.


The crew of Balladeer's ship docked said ship in the beautiful harbor that was Liyue, You wandered out and looked around, seeing the usual people working the docks. "Woah.." the blue haired hat wearing harbinger watched your childish expression.

"What, never been in the harbor?" you nodded, "Even when i was in Liyue i didn't get to take in much scenery other then the marsh area" you hopped onto the dock and giggled. "More Inazuman immigrants?"

you faced a dock worker who seemed to be chatting with a work friend, "Seems like it, or at least the guy looks Inazuman, the girl..i can't tell where she's from" they turned to glance at you but found you staring at them.

"Oi twats, if you have time for leisure then you have time for work!" Hollard a man, with that then men stopped chatting and got back to work. "Hey Scara.." like the lightning he possesses he turned on a dime, "What did you just call me?"

"Scara?" he sighed, "I'll just ignore that, what do you want?" you pointed at the men behind you with your thumb. "You mentioned being from Inazuma, is something bad going on there?" he nodded.

"I assume plenty of people have immigrated from Inazuma to get out of such a tense atmosphere, not to mention plenty of people have lost their visions to the electro goddess"

"And where does this friend of yours live?" he asked "Well..he doesn't exactly have a place to call home emotionally, but he stays at an inn a lot..i think" as you both walked through Liyue, you bumped shoulders, or should i say, your shoulder bumped their arm with a rather handsome gentleman.

"Ah, my apologies.." his voice was husky and low, but set you at ease none-the-less, and dare i say it sounded familiar. "sorry!" you continued to walk alongside the blue eyed harbinger, However this kind gentleman whom you just bumped into simply watched you go in shock.

"My dear friend, it is good to see you once more"


You and Scaramouche resided in an Inn for the night, separate beds might i add, and the next morning set out for Dihua Marsh or more specifically Wangshu inn.

"Do you have family?" you asked, trying to start up small talk at the very least, "no" Was all he said and left it at that. "come on at least try and talk to me!" he rolled his eyes and sighed, "The less we talk the faster this will go"

"Don't try and act like you don't want to talk to me! and have you ever heard the saying that time fly's when your having fun?" his shoulders sagged with defeat. "Dammit woman, fine, What do you want to talk about..?"

You smiled, "well..favorite food?" he hummed, "Any Inazuman cuisine" his tone was dull and bored, " to relax? when stressed?" he shrugged "As long as i have my pipe and herbs, smoking helps me relax it doesn't really matter where"

"Actually, what is a pipe?" he side glanced at you and sighed, "Well most of the time it's sort of like a wooden ladle but shaped different, and is also hollow. one side you put herbs on one side that holds them and burn them a little, the rest is easy"

you smiled, happy that you finally got him talking in more then a few syllables, "Maybe I'll try it sometime!" your pure child-like excitement forced a frown onto his facials. "No, i don't recommend you do"

You tilted your head, "Why not, I'm like, 6,000 years old! I'm no minor"

"maybe but you sure as hell could convince me.."

these little conversations and occasional banter continued on until you reached the bridge to Wangshu Inn, once you did he stopped and you looked at him, confused. "Why'd you stop?" he sighed, "You idiot, we're here, this is where i leave you to find your friend"

"What? come on at least help me find him!" he shook his head, "I already suspect he's here from the feeling of being watched that I'm getting" you looked around and however saw no one.

yet just as that thought crossed your mind the very person you were looking for appeared just in front of you, his spear just as sharp and dangerous as the golden eyes that stared down the harbinger.

whom through his hands up in innocence, "relax little yaksha i brought her here just for you.." Xiao remained silent, his glare unfading. "Fine I'll leave, kiss your little sweetheart bye for me" he smiled, laughing at his own clever words.

of course we all know the saying of the brightest smiles hide the most pain, and he indeed was in pain, practically the only person he felt attracted to slipped from his hands and he could never get her back.

"Hey Xiao..he rescued me y'know?" he turned to face you with a scowl on his face, "But he kidnapped you in the first place! and look at all the injuries you've sustained!" he gently held your forearms and glared at the bruises the chains made of ice left behind.

"He didn't do this to me, the Tsaritsa did..!" he sighed, trying to reassure himself, and once again in seconds you seemed to be teleported to the highest balcony of the Inn. The back fog that dispersed around you to reveal that fact, "How did we-"

"Before we depart to stone gate, again, I must send a letter to the knights since Madam ping did it las time..and when you get home you need to sleep, an immortal vessel like mine and yours have there limits"

You nodded, the usually aggressive yaksha told you to relax for a moment while he wrote and sent his letter.

"stay here for the night, there should be a letter for you in the morning.."

you nodded, relaxing on a chair, curled up and comfy. meanwhile the Yaksha leaned against the railing with a peaceful expression.

Calm after the storm, i suppose.

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