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The day was reaching it's climax, noon was right around the corner and Klee was complaining about hunger. to be fair, everyone was feeling hungry after not having anything for breakfast the hours before, Albedo's performance during his research and experiments was lacking the hungrier he got.

everyone was silent, until everyone's stomachs growled in unison, that was when Albedo gave up on working on an empty stomach and faced you and Klee. "Can we go eat now?" Klee asked, her cheeks puffed out a little to make a pleading face that no one could turn down without feeling guilty.

you mimicked her expression, teaming up on the blonde who glared at your slightly smug expression, yet the image before him was simply an adorable one. "Yes we can go eat" he set down his multiple vials and a book full of notes and left the mixture unattended so it would settle.

"Come, this mixture should settle within an hour then i have to return to continue mixing it, so let's go" Klee giggled and ran to the door to open it, you thanked her as did Albedo as she let him pick her up. "to good hunter?" you asked, stepping down the staircase contently as Albedo followed behind with Klee in his arms.

Your steps echoed inside the knights headquarters, the mostly white room was shining and gave you an odd sense of familiarity, why? from your knowledge of the nation you once protected, it crumbled and turned into what people know now as the abyss, it was sad to hear after cultivating the nation to it's own kind of perfection, yet, every human had greed and it couldn't be helped.

Some wanted life while some want material things, money, certain objects of interest,  some people wanted loved but couldn't share the same feeling's. Greed was everywhere, even if someone suppressed these thoughts and feelings, they would only double back twice as powerful, but why were they so greedy for things that aren't worth it?

Eternal life? nothing but a curse made to haunt those who were to arrogant to accept the fact that some people are not as strong as they think, then when the gift of immortality is given? nothing but regrets that would live to haunt them.

Material object? money? love? sure, everyone wanted Love, some want love that's true, that lasts eternally. it was a better choice than immortality, but some go to great lengths to achieve this 'love'.

Was it even love when you lose your mind over the things you've done for them? when your used simply because you wanted to feel this thing people called love? how can a god, who's lost her sense of the emotion, allow herself to love again after she remembers what damage was dealt by a mere mortal?

Well, that all depends on whom she chooses to rely on during that time.


"Good hunter's steak is super good!" you cheered, patting your belly with a happy smile, Klee copied you. Albedo didn't eat much hell he barely ate anything, you never knew of his small apatite otherwise you would have brought him a smaller portion of the soup Noelle made for you.

All he ate was a small portion of Klee's food that she couldn't finish, and told you when you asked about it that he was plenty satisfied.

"It is their signature dish, after all" He responded softly, his hands stuffed into his pockets with his thumbs sticking out. "all the more reason for it to be so yummy.." after humming softly, you and Klee skipped on ahead more or less you chased Klee up the staircase.

"you two..ugh.." Albedo followed the sound of yours and Klee's giggly childish laughter that echoed throughout Mond, those he passed gave him glances that seemed curious. i guess, you wouldn't think the chief alchemist of the knights would be so, calm.

the knights headquarters wasn't far off so he caught up to you two quickly, after all you and Klee were still running about outside the entrance. "I wish i could have such bountiful energy" he whispered to himself as he approached you two. you relaxed a little, Klee clung to your clothes as you pat her head.

"Shall we go check on that potion?" he asked, a hardly noticeable smile gracing his lovely face. "oh yeah!" Albedo didn't seem as eccentric or cheerful to see the results of the experiment so to try and lighten him up, you grabbed onto his wrist and followed Klee inside. He didn't seem to dislike it so he did nothing to stop you, all he felt was a little confused.

Albedo was of course not used to physical touch, he wasn't hugged often, he hasn't tried to physically touch someone. so the feeling he would get when you laid a single hand on him was..foreign.

"I thought you enjoyed your experiments and stuff, but you look pretty down" you spoke softly as Klee went on ahead up the stairs. "I am, do i not look like it?" his head tilted a little to the side as you came to a halt just in front of the staircase.

"I'm scared.." your voice fell to a whisper, he felt conflicted on what to do, to comfort you, to reassure you, or leave you be. "Of what?" he asked, as you released your grip on his wrist, "What if i'm a part of the abyss? will my friends lock me up or..kill me?"

upon letting his wrist go, his hand tightly snatched your own in a hurry, his grasp tight. "Whether or not your a part of the abyss or not will not change mine or anyone else's expectations of you, it isn't up to you to be in the abyss order or not, it isn't your fault therefor, you are not to blame.."

his eyes traveled down to the closed space between you two, letting go of your hand slowly, "right.." his gaze grew fragile and soft almost as if he was staring at a small helpless kitten. "Don't fret, you'll be fine" for once, he tried to initiate a comforting hug, with a soft smile you returned the gesture.

"Hey love birds, Don't you have a potion to check on?" Kaeya bellowed with a sly smile, simply enjoying how easy it was to tease you and Albedo. 

And of course, he ruined the moment, resulting in Albedo shooting him one of his signature spine chilling glared, warding off the pirate.

"he isn't wrong, let us go before Klee goes through my things again.."

She was special

she combined a broken angel

and a kind devil

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