A new home

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"i really don't have much to gather, just a few clothes and a brush.." you didn't mention the feather incase it reminded him of some experiment. "Then let's go, time can't be wasted.." he handed you a bag for your things, "Aren't you just a ray of sunshine.."

after gathering everything you owned, you looked at your arms "so.." the two of your begun to travel down the mountain, "I'm not normal?" you asked, "It's not solid evidence but i can say you are most definitely different" 

"how exactly did you think of the idea to put electro powder in that potion?" he didn't look bothered by your questions so answered honestly. "I wasn't sure whether it would electrocute you or not so i tried it myself and only felt minor numbness"

"out of consideration for the subject?" 

He side glanced at you, "well i am the one putting you through these, only right for me to be the guinea pig" his orbs glistened, "hmm, Albedo?" he hummed to acknowledge you. "Isn't it ironic, i know more about you then i do about myself.."

you spoke with sadness, rubbing your arms whilst staring at the snowy ground. "It seems that way" he made no effort to comfort you as he really didn't know how, don't get me wrong he wasn't completely clueless but, he didn't understand every emotion as if it was alchemy.

"your very good at being distant" you said with annoyance, hopping onto a small boulder, "Pardon?" he crossed his arms and looked up at you now that could look down at him. "Dunno, your close and friendly on second but distance yourself the next. i don't know if it's intentional or not but, you manage to confuse me"

He watched you jump back down, looking down at you again. he fell silent, having no response which only misled you "I'm grateful that you've been taking care of me though" you ran ahead and leaned over the edge of the bridge. "how do we get across?"

"The river" he said blankly, "the river? no way am i gonna swim!" he shook his head, "The ice is thick enough to walk on, just watch me.." he hopped down and stepped on the thick ice, jumping from one to another then reaching the other side.

"it's not to difficult!" he encouraged, slipping once or twice, "a-ah..so cold.." you muttered after being slightly splashed. "it wasn't hard but..it was scary.." you shivered, "hm, i suppose so.." he waited for you to recuperate before walking further into the warming land of the wind.


It's been a good while since you've been brought back to the city of the wind, and now, you wanted to find the troublesome bard you knew as Barbatos or Venti. "My home is rather unkept, so do excuse any..-"

he pushed the door open and found it was completely clean, "-mess..?" he readied his sword behind his back and stepped inside to investigate. You followed, looking around at the lamp grass in a vase that would light up in the night to provide minimum light with unburned candles sitting atop.

"who are you?" came a sweet voice from the entrance, in the open doorway was a woman, short in stature dressed in an armored maid outfit. "oh! h-hello.." she had short lavender hair slightly braided, you heard Albedo come down the stairs, noticing the woman whom was unfamiliar to you.

"Noelle? What is it your doing here?" the woman named Noelle slightly curtsied, "Acting grand master Jean requested i look after your home while you are in the mountains..after i heard about the woman Y/n, I've prepared an extra room here for her.."

he loosed his crossed arms, "I see, i suppose i should thank you, Noelle" she painted a sweet smile on her face, happiness in her light green eyes. "I am glad to serve, Now that you are here i should begin a few other tasks" she closed the door after waving to you.

"I like her! She was nice!" you copied her smile, "Noelle is a maid, she helps the Knights of Favonius as often as she can" he sighed. "Well she said there's a room for me, move over and lemme go see!"

he inhaled sharply as you pushed passed him, running up the staircase, you peeked into rooms through cracked doors, a bathroom, a bedroom whom you could assume was Albedo's bedroom so you continued down to the end of the hall and burst into the room.

"Finally! an actual bed!" you flopped onto your new bed and curled up like a kitten on a comfortable pillow, "Before you get to comfortable, We have a few things to discuss" you sat up "what do you mean?"

"To save time, we or rather I won't be on Dragonspine as often as i used to. there is an alchemy lab in the Knights headquarters, unless i conduct an experiment that is dangerous to others, my research will continue there for the time being.."

"Whew." he raised a brow, "are my experiments that bad?" you shrugged then shook your head, "No, they can just be nerve wracking, plus, Dragonspine is freezing so i don't like being up there" a sigh left his mouth.

"when you around Mondstadt try to avoid any Fatui. if the Tsaritsa is searching for you, the whole of Snezhnaya will be looking for you" minor anxiety seeped into your brain. "A whole nation?! For me!?"

he chuckled at your unnecessary alarm, "Relax, if but only one harbinger knows of your whereabouts, that being Scaramouche" you looked up to him and sighed, "are you sure?"

For a moment he stared, not often hearing those words directed towards him because who wouldn't believe the words of a genius right? "I am..pretty sure" you stood up and took a deep breath.

"Alright! I'm gonna go find Venti!" you ran through the doorway and passed him just like before, "Good luck.." he said quietly as you had already made it down and out of the house. he sighed, beginning to follow in your footsteps to leave to the knights headquarters.

"Perhaps..getting attached wouldn't be.." he paused, shaking his head as if telling himself no, then left his home to further experiments at the Knights headquarters.

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