Another half of me

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a world where angels fly and gods crawl.

An endless dance in the mind of a human.

shall i share a story?

Call me Kaklen, a storyteller of sorts.

A child was born against impossible odds, to an ungrateful woman. This Child was named Radisana, named by her father whom showed her love while her mother's face twisted when her eyes rested on her child.

She was named from an ancient tongue, a language that translated her name into the meaning Creation. Her gaze was bright and she experienced joy to the age of eight then at that age her father passed, I suppose living on a mountain of aggressive pillagers would not serve the common man well?

(this is not Khaenri'ah just to clarify)

From then out Radisana's mother was forced to take care of her lovely child— yet she never got the chance to see the loveable side of her own daughter and instead sought to make her life miserable. The girl asked herself daily,

"Where is my savior..?"

One day, a voice answered her question. This voice was sweet and alluring yet malicious, a sickening poison drenching the tongue of an untamed beast inside the poor girls own head. "I can help you..i'll be you're friend"

Radisana's eyes widened, looking around frantically; fearing her mother heard her question. But this unsettling voice remained in her head, The kind child could never be capable of telling this new voice to go away nor could she hear the difference in tone as anger was something she had become accustomed to.

Days passed and the voice didn't leave her head, Radisana would talk to herself whenever she was 'alone' and grew to become friends with the voice in her head. This demon was soon granted a chance when the girls mind was at it's weakest to take the wheel and steer whatever way she pleased.

"Sleep, I'll take care of it~" it whispered, like a switch the girl fell to the floor with closed eyes and a motionless body. Leaving her mother petrified as if she feared killing her own child after countless beatings, only to relax when she reawakened.

However, it was not she that awoke.

A mother meets her demise.

Another child stained with a foul legacy.

The abyss welcomed the counter-part of the girl and as well welcomed the child herself. A strange underworld that was neither hell nor earth, filled with odd creatures and strange beings and here the girl would live to call home until death would come to her.

Yet, why did that never happen?

Why was she cursed with a blessing many sought for, why did she have to duel with her counter-part forever? that is, until she found a way to tame that other side of her, boredom made her restless and so the beloved god lived to travel Teyvat after leaving her home inside the darkest corner of the world.

She kept her mind busy and entertained, she made friends, she made enemies but most importantly..

She fell in love...

They pair became infatuated with each other, they loved each other unconditionally and fought together in the archon war, even if her lover was mortal he was brave enough to fight beside the person he loves— yet even the purest of people can have demons.

he was a manipulator at heart, this piece of him became unearthed the first time he met Radisana's side void of morals. This chaotic pair could conquer the world if it so pleased them but evil can't have control forever.

Radisana returned to a lover lead astray by corruption, he used her, in a handful of different ways. She killed her own people for him, she killed her own friends for him all because he wished it and when she realized the mess he made for her, she was furious; relentless.

She chained her to hell formally, greeting the devil as if she passed him on the street daily, From there she went on to live her life unaccompanied by anyone besides when she choose to visit old friends and share drinks.

my story concludes, not all of this is fact only mere speculation.

Of course my stories are not free, friend.


"C'mon Albedo, surely you don't mind sharing a bed with me~?"

"Not with you, You are not Y/n"

"I'm not Y/n, I'm not Radisana. But people used to call me..


We're all a bunch of addicts,
all struggling with a drug of our choice


this was super fun to write

but like Kaklen said, this is all speculation, what is true and what isn't is up to you to figure out until i find the right moment to reveal it.

and I'm going to be having an actual book in the making before too long[not official or anything]

any who, @Jellyplayer1 on twt. and a new hand made discord server

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