Chapter 1 Missing you

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Thanu's POV

Stones Residence...
I'm standing at the terrace and looking at the  small city below, the lights looks like a firefly that illuminate the whole city.I inhale the cold air and lean back at the couch while sipping slowly of whiskey.I close my eyes and think of the past.

It's been 10 years now since the accident and my life was never been the same again.I only live for my son  and Mom since my Father already passed away due to cancer 3 years ago.I breathe deeply and remember my baby when a gust of strong wind blow at my direction.The star was gone and a rain start to drizzle,i never move even the rain became hard,it hides my tears that falling slowly .The deep scar in my heart is beginning to take a toll on me.


I slump at the floor sobbing so hard and clutching my chest after shouting.

"Your so unfair baby!!..leaving me alone here.."

I cried so hard till I felt numb and shivering cold because of the rain.

I stand up and looking up at the sky welcoming the rain, after few minutes I walk inside and take a hot shower to ease the coldness that seeped in my body.Once I'm done I lay down at our bed and tried to sleep,due to tiredness and emotional stress my mind drifted away till darkness overcome my sadness.

——time skip——


Munchkin is calling.....

The sudden ring of my phone woke me up,I open my eyes and close it instantly when the brightness of the sunlight was too much for my eyes.

I stretch my arms and to get my phone from the bedside,i check who is calling me and a smile form at my mouth when I see who it is and pick it up..


"Dad!!.. where are you?.. "

I move my phone away from ears when I heard my son loud voice.

"I'm here at home..I just wake up.." 

A yawn slip on my lips and I instantly jolt when my son shout again.

"WHATTT!!...grrrr..,Dad did you forget my arrival today?!...."

I feel confused thinking then looked at the date and muttered a curse rushing to the bathroom..

"I'm so sorry Munchkin,..I completely forgot.. give me half hour please.."

I tried to pacify my son and rushing to the door after I finished changing my clothes.

My son sighed defeatedly and mumble ok.He cut off the call and I curse again for forgetting his arrival.

Soon I am driving to the airport and thankfully there is not much traffic. In half hour I'm already parking my car and get out instantly,rushing to my son who is looking annoyed and bored.I immediately embrace him and whisper.

"Sorry Munchkin..Daddy is sorry ..."

He move a bit,stared at me after hugging me back then replied to me., "It's ok Dad,I heard it's raining hard here last night..." his voice is full of understanding.

I avoided his gaze and pretend to be busy putting his luggage at the trunk.I stay there for a while composing myself then smile cheerfully at my son.

"Ah,..yeah it was raining hard last night...And hey how was your vacation with your Mimi and Papi?.." i asks trying to divert his attention.

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