Chapter 14 A Mother Instinct

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Tee's POV

W.B.Darvid's Hospital...
I'm sitting at my chair and currently busy checking the reports of the Medical Mission we held in Koh Panyi Village.N'Kit sent me a lot of pictures while they are conducting and giving a medical assistance at the people in that village.Too bad I missed it,P'Tae would never let me leave at his side unless he go with me and at that moment we are busy with the new proposal for the hospital.

A knock on the door make me look up from the document im reading.

"Come in..."

"Hello Uncle,am I disturbing you?" N'Kit politely says after entering my office,i smile and get up from seat and went to embrace him.

"No dear,it's ok...did you rest well?.."

"Yeah i did,thanks for asking Uncle,how are you?"

I let him go and lead him to sit at the couch while i sat infront of him.

"I'm ok Nong, just busy checking some documents..,How was the experience being in Medical Mission?" He smile widely and recounted his experience and what he seen so far.I nodded while listening to him,

"You know Uncle i met 2 cute kids there.. oh before i forgot i bring you a souvenir from their shop,the little girl said her Father painted it."

He excitedly give me the wrapped package, " That's so sweet of you N'Kit..Thank you for this,i will open this at home its that ok?"

He smile warmly and nodded at me while im putting his gift in a secure place.

"Do you have anything to do today?" I asks while sitting down again.

"Yeah i have,i just dropped by the souvenirs i there something i can do Uncle?"

"'s nothing, i just like to invite you in a cup of coffee but it's ok maybe next time .."

"I'm sorry Uncle,i have a surgery in half hour and i have to get back at my office now.." he apologetically wai to me and rush to the door.I chuckled at his action and shakes my head.I glance at his gift and resume working.

Soon its time for me to go back home.I start gathering my things when my phone started ringing and I answered it immediately.

"Hello Love,Wait me at the lobby im on my way to pick you up.."

"Oh ok,be careful on your way here,love you.."

"I will..Love you too."

I cut off the call and gather my things and start going to the elevator.A security help me carry my things which I thanked him.

I waited in the lobby talking with some nurses i known when I'm still doing surgery.Soon i see P'Tae car and i went out to wait him stop infront of me.

"Hello Love.." he kissed my lips softly and put my seatbelt as soon as im inside.I rolled down the window and thanked the security for helping me.

"How was your day Phi?" I asks as he hold my hand and not letting it go.

"It's boring without you but everything is ok,N'Thanu did well with the company." He said praising our son in-law, "How about you?.."

"Mmmm..busy with the New proposal and N'Kit visit me for a while bringing the souvenirs he bought when he was in medical mission.." i replied while playing his hand.

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