Chapter 21 Fragment of Memories 2

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Thanu's POV

" Kids i want you to meet your Papa other Dad.." I said while i put them on video call.

" Sawatdee ka..." they both said politely while waving to him.

" H-Hi..I'm your Mimi,I'm happy to see you both..." Papa said with tears and he covered his mouth with his hand while talking to them.

I get up and let them talked enthusiastically with Papa Tee, I walked to joined Dad inside while N'Kit sat beside them.I looked at him while he nod at me understanding my concern.

I go inside and saw Dad sitting beside his bed while holding his hand.

" Dad..Papa is on phone and i left him talking with the twins.." I said in low voice after i stand beside him.I gazed at My Baby who slept peacefully and tears starting to fall down in my cheeks again unable to believe seeing him alive.

Dad patted my back and left me, while i sat down at the chair he vacated.I hold his hand with my both hands and kiss it gently.

" Baby..what's really happened to you that night?... we all thought you were gone from us since your car exploded and there's a burnt body with all your belongings....." I whisper softly while gazing at his face and I breathe deeply to let out a painful sob.

" I missed you so much Baby... There's never a day i blamed myself of what happened to you and finding out you're alive,i thank god for this miracle,..I thought....I thought I would never see you again.." i sobbed hard caressing his face who looked darker,

" My heart lost his will to lived when you were gone baby..., without our Munchkin to kept me alive and push me to go on living i maybe gone already...,Baby life without you is hell and I'm glad i stayed alive for our son,but still I can't live without you...,Baby,from now on you will never leave on my side ever again.." i murmured softly while I gently caress his face and lean down to kiss his forehead,my tears keep streaming in my face.

I tensed when i felt a hand wiping my tears,that I instantly gasped when i met his eyes staring at me with so much confusion.

" I'm-I'm sorry but please don't's hurting my heart to see you in tears..." he said in confused voice.

" B-baby you remember me?..." i asks while i hold his hand and kiss it.

" I'm sorry but I don't remember you...but my heart is telling me that he know you..when i heard your voice,it was the same in my dreams,you were the man who kept saying to me his" Archer's Wind "...he says in hopeful voice while anxiousness shown on his face.

I nodded to him and sob while i put his hand on my face and gazed at him,seeing how conflicted he is..

" Because Baby, you're My Wind,My Baby and I'm your Archer..." i said softly while staring at his face,

" I'm also your Husband and the Father of your kids.."

" I'm sorry I can't remember me you...I'm so sorry..." he says while tears beginning to fall down.

" It's ok Baby,...we will consult the best doctor in the world for you to regain your memory...but for now let me show you how much you mean to me..." i said solemnly while i wipe his tears gently.

" What's my real name?.." he asks afterwards while i kept caressing his face and gazing at him lovingly.

" You're Wayu Bas Darvid Stones, and im your husband Thanu Stones.."he gasped loudly hearing his name.

" D-Darvid??..I remember seeing that name in tarpaulin few days ago when there's a volunteer medical assistance program here.." he says in surprise while he stared at me.

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