Chapter 12 Meeting Them Again

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Thanu's POV

Stones Residence...
I wake up at the sound of my alarm,it's 4am now i need to be at the airport around 5:45,although we had a private jet,I don't like using it.I stretch for a while then get up to do my morning routine,after im done i go to my walk in closet and choose a business suit for travel.My one week clothes is already packed at my suitcase before i went to sleep last night.

Soon i am ready to leave my room i go out and went to my son room,i open the door carefully and saw him sleeping with the blanket halfway on his body.I arrange it careful not to wake him up and kiss his forehead.I went out of his room and bring my luggage downstairs,as i went out of the door i am greeted by Sandee standing next to my car.

"Good morning Sir Thanu.." he take my luggage and to put it at the trunk.

"Morning Sandee..I'm sorry to trouble you.."

"Its my duty Sir..beside i am used waking up early.."

He sit at the driver side while i sit at the passenger side..

"Sandee,can i trouble you to take care of my Munchkin while im away?.."

"Its not a trouble Sir,Little Master safety is always my priority.."i felt relieved hearing it,

"By the way Sir we already gather all the information about the woman who keep bothering you.."

I glance at him while he is looking serious," Who is she?"

"Ms Areeya Park,.."

"Hmmmm keep tailing her..her sudden appearance seems unusual and suspicious to me."

"Ok Sir,."

We arrived at the airport and i went out of the car and go directly to the departure area,i quickly check in since i have business class ticket.I went to business lounge and sit near the glass window,a waitress approach me and I asks for a black coffee.Although we have a private jet I don't want to use it i like traveling in commercial plane.

Soon the plane is ready to depart,I checked once again all my things is secured before i relax and close my eyes...

Mark's POV

At this moment I'm currently alone in my bed missing the warmth of my Kitty,its unusual for me to wake up before my alarms,i looked around and it's starting to get bright outside.I get up and pulled the curtains to let the light enters the room.

I missed my Kitty,i wonder if he is awake now,my alarm sound and i move towards the bathroom for my morning routine. After I'm done i go to Kalae room and saw him still asleep.

"Kalae..wake up,it's time for school now..." I gently shake him and he groggily open his eyes.

"Just 5 minutes more Por..." i shook my head and ruffle his hair.." No,I don't want you to be late or else your Dada will kick my ass.." he grinned at me and start to get up.

"Morning Por..I'm sure you will enjoy it since you love it when Dada looked angry at you.."

"Hahaha...Morning,your Dada looks cute when he is mad,you know that..." I laughed loud remembering his annoyed face.

I went out to his room and go directly to the kitchen and cook our breakfast,soon im done and Kalae already ready to go school.

"By the way,should i drop you off or are you going to drive by yourself?.."

"Im going to drive my motorbike Por..beside i will be late if i wait for you.." I smack his head when he smirk at me.

"Ouuucchh!.., Porr!.." he pouted while fixing his hair.

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