Chapter 28 The Lost Memory

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Wayu's POV

Stones Residence.....
Its been a week since the drama with Sab,after he wake up Papa explained everything to him and when i go down he instantly rushed to hug me while sobbing hard and kept saying how he missed me and how glad he is that I'm alive.He also met my Twins which he happily welcomed.

Step by step my session with Uncle Godt helped me remember some of my forgotten memories but I still don't remember what happened that night I supposed to go home.

Today is weekend and we plan to have a family get together and i'm sitting at the couch staring ahead of me,the view infront of me is breathtaking and giving me a peaceful feeling but i got startled when a pair of arms wrapped around me.

" Hey Baby, how you doing? " he whispered in my ears and I turn around and wrapped my arms around his neck and tiptoe to kiss his lips gently.

" Babe..i'm doing good, just relaxing and enjoying the view, How was your day? " i ask and he pouted while gazing at me which makes me smile and i shakes my head how childish he is.

" Not good,you're not with me there.."

" Babe.., I'm just here, i will never disappear again.." i cupped his face with understanding of his fear and lean to kiss his lips again and gently nip it.

" Hmmm...Babbyyyy...let's go downstairs, i don't want to rush you and I can't promise that I can hold myself not to ravish you once we started..." he said in a hoarse voice and i can feel his need of me.

I blushed once I realized what he mean and with a red face i smack his head and i let go and walk out instantly, i heard his laugh behind me and I can't help but smile while going down.

" Baby,where's the kids?."

" Oh, they went with Papa and Dad,"

" Shopping? "

I nodded and i see how he shakes his while he smirk gazing at me with his eyes full of passion and i tried not to be affected but failed miserably and he scooped me up immediately.

" Phiiii!!!..., What are you doing??."

" Hahaha...What do you think? "

"'t even think about it!!? " i tried to get off on his arms when I realize we are heading to the pool and before i know it im already under the water.

" Ahhhh!!...You Stupid Buffalo!.. i just finished my showered...." i rant while he just smirked at me and
Starting to remove his clothes then jump at the pool.

" You're crazy!.., really..with all of my clothes?!.." i said in exasperation once he pop out beside me and i splash water on his annoying face.

" Sorry baby, i just need to cool down and i don't want to do something you're not ready to do.." he wink at me and i blush hard and just go down under the water, frustrated and shy of what he said..

I remove my t-shirt and put it at the side when i heard his gasp.

" Wear it back baby please..."

" Why?"

" Ahhh Baby...., why so cute..." i blush hearing it and turn my back to him which i think is wrong move as i felt his body near me.

" You're making it hard for me Baby,.." he murmured in my ear.

"'s your fault, if you didn't throw me here i would not take off my shirt, Now face it!" I swam far away from him and i heard his grunt how unfair it was.

I laugh seeing his face and he tried to catch me but living near in the ocean for 10 years, i swam faster than him.We race and had fun swimming till we both got tired and just lay down at the chaise lounge beside the swimming pool.

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