Chapter 5 One Family

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Tae's POV

Stones Residence at night....

"Love, are you feeling ok being here?.." he glance at me and nodded.

"Thanks for worrying Love but I'm fine beside this place is part of our son.."

I went to embrace his back while we are both looking at the city which looks like a firefly.he entwined our fingers and hold it to his body.

"Beside the reason we both decided to come back is for N'Thanu and Munchkin,He need our guidance since he is in adolescent phase.."

"Hahaha..seem like he is the next Casanova Love.."


I grunt as He elbowed me and slap my hand.

"How many times I have to told you not to bring that past..beside are you not the same!?.."

He said in annoyed voice and I quickly kiss him to pacify him before he kick me out again.

"Love,I'm just teasing ok,I will stop now..but kidding aside Love,Sandee mens told me that his locker is always full of love letters...That our Munchkin is so Popular on his school.."

Tee sigh and lean down to me , " Tell Sandee to tighten his security and make sure no threats comes to him..."

"I already told him that,beside it's not only him but Thanu also need his security but he always refused.."

"Don't worry I'm sure he know what he is doing...Sandee always told us what he did and I heard there is a mole in his company.."

"I think it's time for us to show up in business circle Love...N'Thanu need us to free his hand so he can concentrate tracking this mole.."

Tee Sighed deeply and I kiss his shoulder blade that sent shiver to his body,he tighten his hold to me as I continue kissing his nape.


He swayed a little, I scoop him up and carry him to the bed,even at his age Tee maturity looks more sexy and appealing to me,his appetite for me never change.

I slowly approached him removing my clothes till only my boxer left with visible tent..My Love looks so wanton lying down at the bed waiting for me to devour him.

I went down to him and we make love till he passed out of exhaustion. I smile looking at his ravished body,tomorrow I will earn a smack for sure..I clean myself and go back to his side, i cleaned him and put some clothes on before I joined and cuddle him till sleep comes for me.

——time skip——

Thanu's POV

"Morning baby.." I kiss my baby pictures and put it back to the side table,it's becomes my morning habit to do it since he was not here anymore.

I woke up early today and go to gym for my morning exercise,everyday I trained 1 hour to maintain my body.Sometimes when Sandee is not busy he would trained me with different martial arts,Muay Thai,Kick boxing or ninja moves with sharp object like throwing darts or small knife and why I love the most is firing a gun.Sandee gifted me one when I completed my training to congratulate me,He is more like a buddy than security to me but he always distance himself.I only saw him smile when he is guarding my son.I lost tracking the time since I was so emerged doing my kickboxing.

"Sir Thanu,Your mother is looking for you..."

I was startled when Sandee stop me from kicking.I do inhale and exhale rhythm to calm my breathing,I'm already drenched with sweat and Sandee hand me a hand towel which I accept thankfully,after I rest a bit I go back to the upper floor since the gym is located in the basement of my place.

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