Chapter 6 The fashion Show

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Thanu's POV

Darvid Incorporated.....
I arrived in my office and was greeted by Sab who remind me all my schedule for today.I listened to him carefully as I'm making a coffee for myself,after I'm done I go back to my seat and sip my coffee slowly.

" Mmm Sab,before I forgot I need you to clear my evening schedule, and don't accept anything for tonight please."

Sab surprise look makes me chuckles and I watch him compose himself.

" Ok Sir Thanu,That will be your schedule today.."

" Thanks Sab,did you have your breakfast already? "

"" I already did Sir ,thank you for asking.."

Sab return to his desk outside while I start working  and got busy with all the proposal and some businessman who wanted a partnership with the company,i set them aside as we don't need it.soon I got busy and a knock at the door make me look up from the document I'm studying.

" Sir, Master Tae is waiting for you at the conference room.." Sab point his watch and I notice it's almost time for the board meeting.

" Sorry Sab I forgot the time and thank you for reminding me."

I get up and fixed myself then grab the folder that contains the agenda for today.

I arrived at the conference hall together with Sab and I go directly to Dad side,I quickly look around and it's seem everyone is here.

" Good morning may all wonder for this sudden meeting.." i said as I start the meeting and explained to them the reason,they all make a noise and I look at them emotionless and in my cold voice.

" ENOUGH!!.." once they are quiet i start talking again, " I know for the past year you are all not comfortable at me as your CEO that's why starting today I will step down.. " they all murmured and whispering at each other while few is happy to hear my words..

" Today I will pass this position to the owner and former CEO!!..."

I smirked once Dad come out at the extension room and the whispering becomes loud.Dad walked around with his cold and serious look.Some of the board member is glad to see him while other is pissed..I Pity them,as if Dad will let them sit in His chair.

" Hello Gentleman it's nice to be back here,.. aren't you all glad to see me here?.." he said in sweetest mocking voice.

They all gulped with fear as they know Dad,the sweeter he talked the more dangerous he is.

" I learned a lot today...,May I all asks if my son in law let you all down??!!!.." his cold voice makes me shiver and I pity them recieving his anger.

They all looked down when Dad looked at them one by one.Dad continue his speech and all his planning to do once he occupy the CEO again,He also told them that I will work as COO  and help him,Everyone becomes more quiet even the one who always oppose me I smirked looking at him.Soon everyone agreed and left the boardroom in a hurry.

" Son,I am sorry if you have to endured their criticism and non stop demeaning on your character,Just believe at yourself like how I believe in you...don't mind them,they are bunch of idiots!.." Dad pat my back and I give him a small smile..

" Should we go to a restaurant for lunch or just eat here and asked Sab for food delivery?.." he says afterwards to break the silence.

" Let's just have a food delivery, I know a good restaurant who deliver a good one.."

He let me order and soon the food arrive and we eat while talking non stop.

After we ate Dad help me sorting all the pending documents and we got busy before we know it's time to leave already. I ask Dad if he want to come home with me but he said Sandee will pick him up and they need to pick up Papa for dinner date.I smile hearing his plan and left for home as I need to rest before I go with my mother to her Gala Events.

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