Chapter 30 A Family Gathering

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Tae's POV

After learning what happened that caused his amnesia ,I promise to myself to tighten their security and make their safety to become my priority..I can't let the past mistakes happened again.Tonight we organized a Family gathering where only close friends and colleagues is invited,this is also the time we're going to announce my Princess being alive and also to show the additional heir of our family.

Calling Sandee....

" Hello there anything i can do?".......

" I just want to make sure that the security of the venue is tight, I don't want any mistakes." I said in stern and serious voice.

" Everything is in order Master, I will personally deal it and make sure everyone is safe........"

" Thank you Sandee,., did you do what I asked you?"

" It's done Master.."

" Ok, we still have 2 Hours before the gathering and i want you to double check everyone, if you see anything amiss.inform me right away."

" Yes Master...."

I cut off the call and walk towards the bedroom where Me and Tee staying.Ever since we come back our planned change,We originally want to go back in Chiangmai where our ancestral house is located but due to unforeseen circumstances,We decided to settle here till everything is done and settled.I walk inside and saw Tee sitting outside in our balcony.

" A penny for your thoughts Love.." i wrapped my arms behind him and he leaned down at me.

" Just thinking of what happened to our Son.."

" Hmmm..Don't worry i will not let it happened again, He will never be alone again even he complains.."

He pinched my arms and with serious voice " That's what you get from spoiling him.. You couldn't resist when he gives you a puppy eyes.."

"But - .."

" But what!?.."

" Nothing Love..." i chuckles and shake my head, I can't tell him it was not me who can resist the puppy eyes of our Son.

" I know it was me who always indulge him and I'm glad he is here with us again with twins as a bonus.."

He turn around and looking straight in my eyes, i can see how distraught he is and a tears slip in his eyes.

" Love..."

" I'm Ok Love, i cant just imagines what our son went through that night he disappeared."

" His kindness cause him his accident and i hope it will not be the reason he will distrust others people,."

Tee nod slightly and I kiss his forehead and we both look ahead of us, The sunset is beginning to descends and the orange hue spreading.I take a deep breath and smile with contentment.

—time skip——

Continental Hotel.....
I'm currently standing at the entrance of the venue where I decided to hold an event for my Princess and  grandkids, Beside me is Tee smiling politely to our guest who keep arriving. I scan the crowd and look for Sab and there at the corner i saw him talking with the staff, he looks nervous and keep glancing at the guy who is busy talking to another business associate of mine not far away from where i stand.I walk towards him and he seem not to notice me.

" Hello Sab, Is everything ok? "

" Master.. everything is ok Master."

" Hmmmm....then what makes you anxious here," i says with teasing voice and his eyes goes wide and a hint of red spread on his cheeks.

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