Chapter 31 How To Deal a Leech

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Wayu's POV

I'm so nervous tonight although they all assured me that everything will be ok,i still can't help to be nervous, it's been so long since I've standing infront of crowds. We are waiting at the room at the moment for Dad to call us.

" Baby..."

" Sorry Babe, i can't help it."

" I understand, just relax and don't think too much, you know all of them, they are family and some of our business associates and I'm sure they will be happy to know you're alive."

He kiss my forehead and I can't help but sighed deeply while staring at him.

" i look like a Princess!?" Rara excitedly says while showing her dress to us. I smile seeing her excitement as she proudly stand infront of us.

" You look so beautiful like a Princess sweetie."

" Really? .." i nod while arranging her dress.

" Young Master it's time." P'Sandee interrupts our conversation and nod at P'Thanu, I hold Rara hand and Thad hold his Dad hand and Munchkin .

We all follow P'Sandee and went out of the room and enter the hall the moment Dad called my Family. I heard series of gasp,shock of seeing me and multiple chattering but i focused on my Family and smile at the crowd. I looked around and seeing their surprise faces and unbelievable shock seeing me standing before them. I let Dad finish his talks and I smiled when Rara wave her hand at the crowd enjoying the attention. I looked at Papa table and saw his face with tears while smiling at us, Uncle Godt, my friends and another teary eyes who keep staring at me with his shock face. My eyes teared up seeing the one person I missed aside from my parents. As soon as Dad ushered us to join Papa, i was immediately engulfed in big hug.

" PRINCESS!!..."

" Dada Park...I missed you and Mami Lam so much!.."

" Y-you're alive but how...Why no one told me!"

" Dada, let's talk about it later please, for now let me introduce you to my twins."

" Ok, but you're Dad will get his ass kick when your Mommy Lam learned this! How could he hide this to us! " I shook my head hearing his controlled anger and disappointment.

" Dada it's not Dad fault beside when i asked him about you, he told me he can't contact you guys." He sighed deeply with regrets and I chuckled hearing it.

" I'm sorry we were in the middle of our farm with no communication from outside."

" I understand Dada, I'm glad that you're here by the way where's Mami Lam?"

" He is left behind at the farm with your cousin kids, if I didn't bring my worker in your hospital, i would never learned this. I was thinking to surprise your parents but i was the one who got surprise instead."  He explained while complaining and i laughed hearing it. I felt hand tugging me and i look down and saw Rara and Thad standing behind me,i smile warmly bring them infront of me.

" Dada meet my Little Princess and Prince."

Sawatdee ka, I'm Aaron Thaddeus but please just call me Thad and no Prince in it." Thad politely says while making face at me,i grin at him and he just pout at me.

" Sawatdee ka, I'm Aira Mikelle but call me Rara.." 

" Hello Thad, little Princess, I'm your Mommy Uncle Dada but you can call me Popsie please.." his voice quiver seeing how Rara look exactly like me and his tears slip while he gather my daughter in his arms which makes Rara all smile and giddy. Thad on the other hand is politely talking to Uncle Godt. I shake my head seeing it, before i always wondered how can he be so matured for his age but after recovering my memories, Thad act exactly like his Father and my Dad. I also see my Munchkin talking with Kalae.

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