Chapter 25 Our New Life

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Thanu's POV

Stones Residence...
I woke up when i felt the sunlight in my face and my shoulder is cramping,the event yesterday slowly come back to my mind and I instantly look at my side when I felt My Baby move.I smiled seeing his beautiful face sleeping in my chest.A tears of happiness slip in my cheek while gazing at my baby,i move a bit and start to trace his face lightly,he scrunched his nose when my fingertips touched it,i chuckles seeing it and slowly he open his eyes and meet mine.

" Good morning Babe.." he said sleepily which earn a gasped from me and he look at me worriedly.

" What's wrong Phi?.." he asks when my tears started to fall down and he raise his hand to wiped it.

" You called me Babe....., it's your  endearment to me..." I whisper softly and he wrapped his arms around me and rubbing my back gently.

" I'm glad to know that Phi...,even I don't remember everything,what matters most,my heart remember you and i know it will not take long i will remember everything again."

I smile hearing it and kiss his lips gently and gaze at his beautiful face I missed to see every time i woke up, I hug him tight and breathed deeply of his strawberry scent and thankful for the chance of seeing it again.

" We will make a new memory again baby if you don't remember it all.." i said softly promising to myself not to let him be alone again and he smiled looking at me.

A soft knock disturb our moments and soon i saw Munchkin head peeking at the door and after seeing us awake he sprinted excitedly in our bed and jumped at my baby side which earned a grunt from me.

" Morning Mommy,Daddy.."  he said while kissing my baby cheeks nonstop.

" Morning..." i says,

" Morning Munchkin..,hmmm you're grown up so well..Mommy missed you so much..." My baby whispered emotionally while kissing back my son face.

" I missed you so much too, Mommy..."

He smiled lovingly and staring at his Mom face with longing, i get up to let them have their moments and walked towards the bathroom.After a few moments I'm done and walked out of the bathroom,My baby is still with Munchkin who talked to him happily while he is laying down on his chest.

" Baby,take your shower,soon the twins will be up and i don't want them to panic if they woke up alone in their new room.." i says and he kiss Munchkin head before getting up to walk towards the bathroom.

" Dad, Is mom going to be ok?.." Munchkin asks with worry while looking toward the bathroom.

" Don't worry Son, we will do our best and get the best doctor to check your Mom.." i answer hoping for the best, " Why don't you fixed yourself first and accompany us to your siblings room.."

" Sure Dad,i hope they will like what we did for their room,i also help Mimi planned and shopped for their needs."

" Really?..,I'm sure Rara and Thad will love it.." i says and smile warmly seeing how excited he is telling me all they did and I'm grateful for Papa quick thinking of renovating the guest room for the twins.Munchkin left to fixed himself while i started to fix myself and prepare My Baby old clothes for him to wear,Seems My Baby need a new whole wardrobe today.

I take my phone at the bedside table and dialed Sab number.

Calling Sab...

" Hello Good morning Sir Thanu......."

" Hello Sab,i have a favor to ask...,I want you to shop a new whole wardrobe that fits for your Young Master Wayu preference as you're the one who know his clothing preferences.." i heard him gasped with shock and quieted, i smirked thinking his shocked face.

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