Chapter 34 A Finale

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Wayu's POV

Life is Good so far, at this moment I'm currently infront of a mirror where a bunch of make up artist is doing their best to give me their best.

Today is the day where we gonna renew our  vow, we are currently at exclusive villa in Pha Nga Islands. the place where i spent my 10 years, After They found me my husband bought a villa here and I could say it was breathtaking, the place looks magical and serene, I smile when I remember my reaction when he told me where our marriage will be held. I cried nonstop which makes him anxious and he tried so hard to pacify me.

" Princess.. is everything ok?" I look up and saw Dad worried face. I didn't even notice his arrival.

" Dad..., yap all is ok although I'm a little bit under the weather.."

" Why, What's wrong?"

" Nothing Dad just being nervous, by the way Dad where's the kids?"

" Oh..well Munchkin is with your Papa checking everything and talking the guest, Rara is happy getting the attention of your Mami Lam and Dada Park while Thad is talking with your Uncle Godt."

I chuckles hearing it and then i felt my stomach making me unease that i got up and hurriedly went to the toilet and I throw up even there's nothing comes out, i felt Dad hand rubbing my back and after few minutes he help me out of the bathroom after i fix myself. I know he already had idea of whats going on but he keep his mouth shut and waited for me to spill it.

" Is that what I'm thinking?" He asks with a grin on his face and I nod my head, he hug me immediately and kiss my head.

" How long and does anyone know?"

" Its almost 2 months Dad, Just Sab and we found out last week."

" Oh wow, another blessing, I'm happy for you Princess. When do you plan to tell it?"

" Later Dad in our reception."

" Ok Princess. I think it's time."

Dad was right because soon the event coordinator enter and told us it's time for the march to begin.

Dad offer his arms for me and soon Papa is beside me and the entourage starting, My daughter Rara looking so pretty with her dress is walking proudly and start throwing flowers on the aisle, i can't help but smile seeing how much she changes, She is natural born leader, always ready to depend her love ones and friends if she know she is right. I can't count how many times we been called to her school  because of some issues.

Then Thad  walk holding a pillow with our ring tied in the center. He look so serious not even a smile, he is more annoyed being in the center of attention, he is always calm, even he heard something bad rumors about him, he just keep quiet and ignore it  but hurt Rara and you will woken up his wrath. He may look serious but he is dangerous when he is using his knowledge, he doesn't fight with violence but with brain, i know he is interested in medical thats why he is always around with Uncle Godt  who always happy to talk to him. 

Soon my friends walk, Kit with P'Mark, Jew and Jack with their partner, Followed by munchkin, my eyes became teary eyed seeing how grown up he is, looking handsome on his suit, He is P'Thanu Bestman, he stand beside his Father and and smile at the crowd who keep gushing and admiring his looks. I look at Phi at the altar and i can see how his eyes glistens with tears and how he is holding it by standing strong and perfectly awaiting for me till i reach his side. Dad give my hand to him and they hug  each other, Dad and Papa walked towards their sit, i can see Papa already in tears and Dad with his normal serious expressions but behind his stoic appearance, i know he is also having emotional meltdown.

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