Chapter 33 A Walk To Remember

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Thanu's POV

It's been a month since the day my Baby being alive was announced publicly. It was all over the news for a week local and international. Uncle Lam was right when he told us about his sons, After reading the news they just arrived in our front door with their partner in tow, crying and upset for not knowing sooner. They stayed with us for a week and it pissed me off when they always around my Baby making me jealous. I know I'm being possessive but who can blame me, the whole week i can only see my Baby during night when he is dead tired asleep beside me.

Today I've planned something and i hope everything will goes well. We are currently at the restaurant having a dinner date and at the moment I'm bit anxious and here i am on my way to the comfort room.

Calling Mark...

" Hey ! Ai'Than..."

" Is everything ok?"

" Hmmmm,...yap, don't worry everything will be ok and we are almost done."

" Thanks Ai'Mark,we will be there in 1 hour,i will let you know when we are almost there."

"Ok Got it."

I hung up immediately and went out to go back to our table where my Baby waiting.

" Ok Baby, let's go." I stretch my hand for him to hold and when he take it, we both walked out of the restaurant.

" Hubby, where are we? ." He asked while looking around and i can see his confusion, " This place felts familiar, have we been here before?"

" Yeah... This restaurant was a cafe before and you work here as a part time, do you remember?"

" Really?.., How i wish I remember it all."

" Its ok Baby, I'm here to help you remember it, you know our Old school is nearby here. Let's take a walk there ok." I said and i can see how his face light up and He hurriedly urge me to walk.

While walking, I told him our past, His old dorm, where i saw him walking and soon we are entering our old school.

"Phi, I remember going this place, wow!'s look the same."

" You're right, I remember seeing you walking here while i was driving and going to engineering faculty."

" Hahaha.. That was also the day i've heard about someone called " Cold Prince "  and when i met you, you're really cold and rude." He winks after saying that which i laughed heartily. I pulled him over to me and kiss his forehead.

" I'm sorry for being rude that time, i just don't know how to act infront of you."

" No worries Phi, it's already past and beside you're the one who save me from being bullied that time."

He looks straight in my eyes and peck on my lips then move to walk ahead, i can see how his cheeks get crimson and I chuckles how cute my Baby is. We walked around the school till we reach the spot where i proposed to be his boyfriend,fiancé and this place becomes our favorite place, the witness of our love story.

" Babe, this place looks familiar but I can't figure it out, Babe, what are you doing?" He asked with wide eyes as soon as he saw me bend down with one knee and holding our customized rings.He gasped again when the light turns on at my back and soon with his hand on his mouth, his eyes becomes misty.

" My Baby, 16 years ago at this place, i asked you to become my boyfriend, I promised to love and never hurt you but I broke when i thought i was doing what's good for you. You left with broken heart and after 5 years you came back in my life with our Munchkin,i pursued you with determination and regrets for hurting you, I showed you how much i love you that you given me another chance. On this place I've proposed to you to marry me and when you said yes that time it was the best day of my life. We got married and after few months the tragedy happened and I thought my life is over but i have to lived for our son. Years passed by your memories is what I've lived for then on some miracles Kit found you, it was emotional moments for us, Finding you alive and with our twins as a bonus is beyond my expectations. I've said to myself i will do everything to keep my life with me because Baby you are my life and for the second time here i am....

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