Chapter 26 We Are Whole Again

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Theo's POV


I never imagined that a big miracle will happened to us, finding out Mom is alive is already a blessing but having a twins sibling is more than what I expected. I thought my Mom is lost to us forever but for some reason he is alive and suffering amnesia.I still can't believe they are here, last night when i saw him getting out from the car I can't stop myself from running to him and crying my heart out,i missed him badly and seeing him infront of me standing with my twins sibling as a bonus is beyond of my imaginations although i did really wished it for so long and dang my mom is here in my arms again,i felt his warmth again,his kisses and hearing his sweet voice.

When i woke up, I immediately went to their room and checked again if he is really here with us and seeing him cuddling with Dad,I can't help but rushed to his side and kept kissing his face and hugging him tightly.I talked to Mom nonstop when Dad goes to the bathroom and I can't help but felt emotional feeling my Mother warmth and embrace,i told him everything about after his disappearance and we both had tears in our eyes while Mom kept apologizing for forgetting us.When Dad urge Mom and Me to fixed ourselves,i did it immediately and after I'm done i goes back to their room and with excitement i lead them to another room.I smile widely seeing Mom face light up with appreciation and happiness after seeing all I've done for Rara and Thad bedrooms.Their proud smile for me and appreciation makes my heart soar with happiness.

And now we are waking up my twin siblings  and I couldn't help but feel agitated waiting for their reaction. After Dad and Mom woke them up i guide them to each close door of their rooms.

Dad Start to count and let the twins open the door and I can't help but felt happy seeing their joy and how their eyes twinkle with excitement.

" Papaaa!!! this mine? " Rara asks mom who nodded to her and her eyes widened looking around of her room, " Wow!.. it's a princess room!..."

" P'Shane..thank you for making my room like i dreamed of.." Thad says in teary eyed.

" Did you like it?,..I'm happy to do it but Mimi and Grandma also help." He nodded at me and i hug him tightly.

" You're the best big brother I could ever have and I'm glad you are...thank you Phi for accepting us."

" Hey! Im the only big brother you have and Nong,I'm happy having you both in my life..and I'm glad your all back where you belong." I says while i tried not to shed tears,i look up and saw Dad,Mimi,Papi,watching us with happiness and tears in their eyes.

" P'Shaanneee!!, Papa said you're the one who make my room like princess!.." Rara shouted while running to me which makes me scooped her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

" like it,Rara?." She nodded happily and kissed both of my cheeks, " Mimi and Grandma help me with it too because you are our princess and you deserve it." I says and let her down.

" Thank you Mimi and Papi!." Rara run to Mimi side after i let her down and hug him.

I watched how my family talks and laugh with the twins,I'm glad my family is whole again,I'm happy to witness this scene after 10 years of suffering,I watched how my Mom and Mimi hugs and how Mimi can't contain himself of hugging Mom and kissing his face.

In another hand Dad,Papi is with Thad rooms,while Rara is walking around the room,inspecting carefully all the things inside of their shared room.

" Kids!.., you need to take shower now,we need to go down now for breakfast." Mom shouted and soon Rara and Thad goes to their room.

" Papa,can you come with me please.." Rara says with puppy eyes.

" Of course Princess!..Papa do you want to accompany me?." Mimi nodded with smile and they both follow Rara to her room.

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