Chapter 7 The Leaked Photos

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Tee's POV

" Good Morning Love..."

Warm smile decorated my face when I heard his voice and felt his soft lips on my lips waking me up with kiss.

" Morning Too Love..what time it is?.." I look at the clock in our bedside.

I slowly sit up and felt a bit discomfort,he grinned at me and I glare at him when I see his proud smile.

" Wipe that smirk you horny beast!.." i hissed and slowly get up to go to the bathroom for my morning routine.

"Love i prepared a painkiller for your A**.."He said with his teasing tone.

" Uggghhh!!...shameless !.."

I lock the bathroom in case he barge inside,I look at the mirror and saw my body with full of hickeys.He never change at all,his possessiveness is much more after we lost our son.I sighed deep and take a shower burying the sadness deep in my heart.

After my shower,P'Tae is already gone at downstairs.I fix myself for casual clothes since it's Sunday today.Once I'm done I go out to my room and headed to the kitchen,I saw P'Tae busy making a breakfast for us,he look so sexy wearing an apron.I watched him for a while before I disturb him and make a coffee for us.I help prepare our breakfast and i set at the table,I heard a footstep coming down and saw Munchkin with his Father behind..

" Good Morning Mimi... "

"Good morning Papa.."

" Morning..take a seat,what do you like to drink?.."

" Orange juice for me Please. " Munchkin says after he sat down,I look at N'Thanu.

" I'll make my coffee Papa,thank you..."

I smile to him and give the coffee pot as he made himself a coffee and I go back to the kitchen to get orange juice.P'Tae was done cooking and now carrying our breakfast.

" Morning...sleep well?.." P'Tae asks the guys

They both nodded and wait till the foods was serve.

" Son where is P'Anya?.."

"She is still asleep Papa,we came home late already last night.."

" Did someone interest you there?.." i ask casually while P'Tae is reading a newspaper.

" Papa,..I'm not interested to anyone.. beside I'm just there as mom date.." he look flush while explaining and munchkin tease him a bit.

I smile watching their interaction when P'Tae put the magazine infront of N'Thanu.He look confuse but he took it anyway and his face change into fury.

"  What it is?.." he gave me the newspaper that open in entertainment news,the event last night was featured there but what surprise me is a picture of N'Thanu with a girl looking intimate.He read the news.

ThaiNewsToday, Who is The mysterious girl?

Mr.Stones was being photographed last night with a girl in his arms..The picture looked so intimate,seem like someone is caught in the act last night...

" much for being gentleman..I should let the girl fall if I only know I will be in the news like this.." He sarcastically commented and continue eating.

Me and P'Tae look at each other shrug it off and continue eating.

" Do you want this photo to be removed?.." P'Tae asks while I stare at him waiting.

" Just leave it Dad,it will disappear soon anyway beside there is nothing going on.That girl almost fall down and I just help before she hurt herself..." he casually told us not interested of the news.

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