Chapter 18 Stranger But Not

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Thanu's POV

At MyPrincess Yachts....
We are currently at the yacht on the way to Pha Nga Island where N'Kit met the twins and bought the painting.Last night event wrecked so much havocs, finding out the person we believed is dead is very much alive after 10 years is beyond in our imagination.Dad Tae had to promise and threaten Papa so he will stay at home and wait for us together with Munchkin and my mother.While Mark took over the both companies while we are dealing our family matters.I remember what happened last night.


Dad Tae is calling...

" Hello Dad...why did you call?.." i asks

" Thanu, i need you to come back here!!...I'm sending the private jet and i want you here within 4 hours!!..." I was shocked hearing his words and the absurdity of his demand.

" But Dad I'm in the middle of business meeting!.." as i tried to reason but was cut off.

" TO HELL WITH THAT MEETING!!...WE HAD URGENT FAMILY MATTERS AND I NEED YOU HERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!.." he shouted at me but hearing the words family matters i began to get anxious and leave the business meeting immediately and went back to my hotel room and start packing.

I tried to calm myself and not to think too much but Dad actions is out of his character ever since I've known him,i checked out and went directly at the airport where the private jet will land.After 1 and half hour waiting i got a call from Sandee indicating they are at the runaway and waiting for me.I hurriedly went out and ride the airport car to bring me where the plane is on standby.There i was greeted by Sandee who look so serious which makes me more nervous.

" Sandee,What the hell is going on?!.."

"Im sorry Sir Thanu but Master told me not to say anything and bring you home fast.."

I sighed and went back to my seat while i wait till the plane departed in Japan.Being clueless and not knowing anything while sitting at the plane is making me more nervous.I tried to rest but it was hard since my mind is full of worry and questions.

Soon we landed at Bangkok airport where the Darvid private hangar is located.We get off the plane immediately and get in to the standby car and went directly to my place.After i arriving i rush to get out of the car and open the door harshly not minding if it was destroyed,i was shocked when my son run to me crying and jumping on me as i grab and held his body while he wrapped his legs on my waist..

" What the fuck is going on!!??....i yelled while carrying my son whose crying nonstop and hugging my neck tightly,I looked around and notice N'Kit,Mark and their son Kalae sitting opposite of my mother and thy are all in tears and their faces showing how long they are crying.

"N'Thanu!!...tone down your voice and calm down first!.." Dad Tae says as he is coming down from upstair and his face looks tired and his eyes puffy red from tears.

" Dad...M-Mo...Mommy is alive..." Munchkin incoherently murmured while hugging me tightly and i was walking us to the couch and i sat down not really understanding his words at first till I fully get it.

" What he mean alive??..why Wayu will be alive??!!.." i shouted as hearing his name bring back the pain and listening to my son is adding the wound in my heart that i my voice quivers with emotions.

" Son...My Princess he is alive." Dad Tae calmly said which anger me and i put down Munchkin.

" Dad your jokes is not funny!!!..." i shouted with fury and i get up harshly to walk out.

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