Chapter 32 The End Of Her Scheme

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Thanu's POV

Stones Residence.....
Hmmmm...waking up i can feel the light just starting to light up our room, i open my eyes and see My Baby sleeping soundly in my chest. His legs is above my legs and his arms holding my body. I smile seeing my kiss mark on his shoulder, i gently caress his face beautiful face, His face looks so serene and glowing after our last night activity, it's been so long since i  feel my Baby again, i know something happened last night that trigger My Baby possessiveness, I actually don't mind but i can't help but wondering.

Since He still sleeping, I slowly ease myself in his grasp and walk towards to the bathroom for my morning routine. After doing it, i grab a casual clothes and dress up till I'm done, i get my phone and dialed the number i know who can give me insight of what makes my Baby agitated yesterday.

Calling Sandee.....

" Hello Sir Thanu, Good Morning....

" Hey P'Sandee morning.. I will cut the chase, i know you already have idea why i called you."

" Yes Sir, My teams told me what happened."

" Hmmm...who was it?"

" Areeya Park...She purposely bumped into Young Master and dropped her phone to show her photo together with you."

" Damn! What photo?!"

" Oh it was the one where you hold her so she won't fall down."

" Sandee..You know what to do, i already instructed you what to do if that girl bothered me again and please make sure she will get what she deserve for making your young master doubt me."

" Noted Sir Thanu, My team are already on it, expect a result in one hour."

" Thanks Sandee.."

" It's my job to protect Young Master always Sir.."

I hung up after he told me that even though Wayu never treat him as an employee. I know he is more Family to him. I stay in the balcony for while when i heard a soft knock and a voice.

" D-Daddy? Are you awake?.."

" Good Morning Princess.." i rush to open the door wide and gesture her to be quite since her Mom still asleep. I scooped her up and show her Mom figure still sleeping in our bed.

" Good Morning Daddy.." she said in small voice before kissing my cheeks and wrapping her small hand around my neck.

" Is my Princess ok?"

" Uh..Uh..." she said as she nod and lay her head on my shoulder.

After making making sure my Baby still asleep, i walk out the door with Rara still on my arms and headed downstairs.

" Good Morning Mom."

" Good Morning sweetie," she smile warmly when she saw Rara sleeping in my arms. She kissed my cheeks and and Rara head then goes to the kitchen while i sat down.

Soon Munchkin and Thad together with Papa and Dad show up and having a good bantering but as soon as they saw Rara sleeping in my arms they lower their voice and greeted me quietly.

"She must be tired from last night activity." Papa Tee says as he look gently and Thad sat down on his lap.

" Is Princess Still sleeping?" Dad Tae ask while he make coffee for us and i nod to answer him.

" Dad, P'Kalae will pick me up later for our soccer practice." Munchkin said which I nodded and pat his head.

" Guys breakfast is ready, come and sit down here." mom called us while holding a mug. I look down and gently wake Rara.

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