Chapter 11 Kit Medical Mission

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Kit's POV

Im currently at the boat together with some of my colleagues and some nurses from the hospital who volunteered for our Medical missions,we are heading at Phan Nga Bay that lies between Southern Thailand and Phuket.Our mission will be a nearby fishing village to give a free medical check up,medical assistant and medicine which includes vitamins for the kids.

The island is very secluded and it will need at boat to reached then a lot of commuting to reached the mainland.Soon we arrived at the small pier and our baggages and supplies was safely deposited in Tuk tuk to bring it to our accommodations.I saw few vendors,Kids playing around and small souvenirs shop.We ride a tuktuk for 15 minutes and reached the small resort.I look around the area,its quiet place ,simple and guest houses was native huts. I went to my room and freshen up,Half day is gone since we left the city of Phuket.

I went out of my room ad talked the inn keeper..

"Sawatdee ka Khun..,Your colleagues went to the restaurants beside this resorts.." The Innkeepers wai at me and politely informed me.

"Thank you Sir,..can you show me the way please.."

He guide me where to go and soon i thank him again and left following his instructions.While walking i saw a few kids vendors selling a trinkets souvenirs.I saw the restaurant's where all my colleagues having lunch and head inside to join them.The foods taste great,very native and exotic.We all have a hearty lunch and soon all the foods is finished.

"Dr.Kit,our team decided to explore the area for a while,would you like to join us? " Dr.Pree asks me after we are done eating.

"Thank you Dr.Pree but i have to go back to my room as i need to inform our big bosses that we arrived here.." I politely declined and they all resume their planning.I get up and went out of the restaurants while going back I passed by again to the group of kids vendors a cute little girl approach me.

"Sawatdee ka Khun,would you like to buy some trinkets for your families,this trinkets is blessed by the monk for goodluck and prosperity.." As she keep talking me i look down to her and i gasps in shock and paled instantly seeing the little girl infront of me.

"Omg..she looks like Wayu but female version.." i thought to myself shock with their similarities.Im just staring at her and not understanding what she's saying.My heart keep pounding fast seeing her face.

A little boy approach us, "Rara..we have to go back,Papa might be looking on us already..." as he stand beside her,i was shocked again seeing the boy his similarity with P'Thanu is very alike..

"Sawatdee ka,little girl how old are you?.." i asks with uncertainty because of the similarities and anxious whats is the possibility of their parental.

"We are 9 years old khun.."the girl answers with enthusiasm,she looks friendly and smart.

"Mmmm ok..Where are your parents?.."

"My Mom passed away 2 years ago and we live with Papa..." said the little girl with sadness on her face.

"Rara stop telling him about us..he's stranger for god sakes!"the little boy sternly told her.

"But P,Thad he seems a nice person and he has a cute dimple.." i smile hearing what she said as she tried to reason with him.

"Mmmm..i'm Dr.Kit,i am one of the guest of that resort..I'm not a bad person." i point the resort infront of us,the little girl smile at me while the little boy nod a bit and stared hard at me seeking the truth in my face.

"Im Aira but you can call me Rara and he is my Twin brother Thaddeus...,dont worry he is always like that.." as she whisper the last words to me,i chuckles on her remarks to her brother which looking at her annoyed.

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