Chapter 29 Lost Memory 2

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" Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I look up and saw his face with full of worries of me and confusion.He scooped to carry me which I'm grateful since I'm not sure if i can walk, I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and sob hard remembering what happened to me.

" I miss you so much Hubby.." I whisper softly and i felt him stiffen while carrying me. " I'm sorry i was so stubborn,  if i only agreed with you that time.."

" Y-you remember?.." he mumbled softly unable to believe and i can feel his shaking and he hold me more tightly .

" I remember everything now Hubby.."

He enter our home and put me down gently at the couch and sat at the center table to face me and hold both of my hands,i pulled my hands and gently cupped his face,i leaned down and kiss his lips softly,i can feel his tears in my hand and i move a bit to wipe it softly.

" Sweetheart , you're back....why are you both crying?"

" Papaaa!!! .."

I get up and lunge to hug him which makes him almost out balance because of my actions .I felt him embrace me and rubbed my back gently.

" What's wrong Princess? "

" Dad...I miss you both so much!.." i said in broken voice and sadness seeing how they age now.

I felt Dad wrapped his arms around Me and Papa and I can't help but sob thinking how much they suffered.

" What happened N'Thanu?"

" I have no idea Dad, he was ok on the way here but i notice his anxiousness when the rain began to fall hard."

" Hmmmm....Sweetheart, care to tell us what's bugging you?" Papa asks while guiding me to sit and makes me sat on his lap.I stay curled on his arms and my face pressed gently on his chest.

" I- i  re-..I remember what happened to me 10 years ago."

I heard them gasped loudly hearing what i said, " You remember? " Dad exclaimed shock and i nod my head.

" When we are on the way home, i saw a stranger waiving on the side road for hitch hike. I keep wondering why it scared me and the more I think about it, a sudden image comes into my mind, i see myself driving in the middle of the rain and listening with music, i was humming a song and glancing at the passenger side, I remember that day i told P'Thanu that i had a surprised for him.


I was glancing at my passenger side and there a small envelope with my ultrasound, i was overjoyed to learn I'm pregnant again and can't wait to share it with Phi.

While driving i saw a guy at the side road waiving for help, he was soaking wet due to rain and shivering, i take a pity of him and stop my car to give him a lift.

" Sawatdee ka Khun..."

Sawatdee ka...Khun please car broke down and not starting and i have to get home immediately because my mother is sick and alone at home."

" Oh sorry to hear that khun, where are you going maybe i could drop you off there."

" Thank you Khun.." he get in at the back and i give him a fresh towel i always had at the compartment.He told to me where he live and it was a bit out of my way but because i already offered,i continue driving and that time the rain began to get more heavy and i have to drive carefully.I asked him some questions and he politely answered me,i notice the road is mostly abandoned and not much car passing it, at the moment i feel a knife pressed in my neck.

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