Chapter 16 The Shocking Truth 2

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Tae's POV

After I picked up my Love in our hospital we went directly at home since P'Anya still on her house and will be back late,Munchkin will be alone at home.While driving we talked our day until we arrived at home.I let him go inside first and i heard Munchkin loud greeting and his worried voice.I sighed deeply worried and take all his belongings with me to bring it inside.

"Hello Papi.." Munchkin instantly kiss my cheeks and help me carrying N'Tee things.N'Tee saw the painting i am holding and asked me to bring it to the living room,we all sat down and I watched him excitedly unwrapping the souvenirs N'Kit brought,he gasped with surprised and admiring the beautiful beach sunset.He lay it down at the table and look closely at the signed name of the painter.He frowned and traced the name carefully then he gasped,I keep staring at him as he looked paled now and i was shocked when he suddenly run upstairs.

"Love!..what's wrong?.." but it seem he never heard me.

"Papi what happened to Mimi?.." he asked as he was also shocked seeing his Mimi actions.We both decided to followed him upstairs and we saw him entered at N'Thanu room which confused me more.

Munchkin and i looked at each other and followed him there i was shocked to see him tracing the painting Princess gifted to N'Thanu on their wedding day.I rushed immediately to his side when he slumped down and wailing loudly,It makes me scared seeing him like this again,his first breakdown is when our Princess passed away.To see him like this again scared the hell of me.

" wrong your scaring me..." as I wrapped my arms around him while he kept crying harder.Munchkin also come to us crying seeing his Mimi breaking down.

He calm down a bit and asked me to bring down the painting and bring it downstairs which i complied even i'm so confuse of his actions..

When we are downstairs he told me about our Son trademark and signature the similarities and how his instincts telling him that its his works.

I start to tremble about the possibility but I need to be strong for him and Munchkin,we all look at the painting and I start to feel and traced the name,the resemblance is very remarkable,it can't be done by two person as the reality is beginning to set in.

N'Tee proved his theory with us and Munchkin start crying too hugging him tightly,i get up and walk a bit taking out my phone and dialed Sandee.

"Hello Sandee,i want you to come here as fast as you can!!..." i said not minding his greeting and I cut off the call before he can reply,i stared hard at the painting and N'Tee asked me to call N'Kit.

I called him and also asked him to come..My voice is broken with so much emotions that any moment im going to break down also.I dialed my Phone again and this time I called my son in-law,

Calling N'Thanu...

" Hello Dad...why did you call?...."

" Thanu, i need you to come back here!! sending the private Jet and i want you here within 4 hours!!..."

" But Dad I'm in the middle of business meeting!..."

" To hell with that meeting!..we had urgent family matters and i need you here as soon as possible!!..." i shouted at him as I'm pacing back and forth,I cut off the call before he can protest again.Within 20 minutes Sandee arrived and politely greeted us,

"Masters!!..what happened??.." he immediately asks when he saw the situation and how Tee still crying with Munchkin on his arms.

" My Princess...he is alive!!.."

" But the body??..." He asked confused and shocked,I breathe deeply and shakes my head,i hold his face and look straight in his eyes.

" I need you to prepare the private jet and fetch N'Thanu in Japan,don't tell him anything..just get him home here!...and Sandee send a team to do some DNA test to the body we buried..." he nodded at me and left as Mark joined us when they arrived.

" Sawatdee ka Uncle Tae..what's going on?.."

" I believe he is alive Nong.."

" Who??..."

" My Princess.." he gasped in shocked gaping at me and his face is full of disbelief as I gritted my teeth thinking the pained we suffered losing him.

I urged him to walk and hear the explanation of his husband.When suddenly Tee shouted my name and I rushed to his side, i heard P'Anya saying about the little boy looked alike his father and she paled as she starting to realize what is going on,N'Kit immediately asks for water and rushed to her side.

I took the phone and saw the Kids one of them looked like my Princess.

" She look exactly like my Princess...who is their Father?.." i asked N'Kit who is rubbing P'Anya back and my hand is shaking holding the phone.He told us how he never got a chance to meet him but he suddenly take his phone and called someone which I don't hear clearly.

" Love...please calm down na.." i hug his side,kiss his head and rub his back gently as he continues crying ,i saw munchkin being held by N'Kit son.

I notice N'Kit got a message and he look at immediately and paled.

" W-Wayuu!!.." he said aloud,look shocked,frozen and started crying hysterically,N'Mark scooped him up and settle him on his lap and trying to comfort him.I grab the phone on his hand before he was scooped up.

" Princess!!....OH..MY GOD!.., My Princess..y-you're alive!!..Love,look our Princess is alive..." i show him his picture and he trace it lovingly before he make a noise and collapsed in my arms which makes me panicked seeing his paled face and unconscious .N'Kit immediately checked him after I brought him to our room.He left after checking and assured me that he is ok and giving him sedative to give him enough rest.

" Love,please i need you to be strong...our Princess need us..." I wiped the tears that still visible on his face and kiss his lips before i go out to our room.

While going down i heard the loud bang of the door and saw Munchkin running to his father and crying nonstop,seeing his son state he demanded to know what's going on as soon as sat down.He calm down after i asked him and wait for explanation.

" What he mean alive??...Why Wayu will be alive?!!..." his voice quivers hearing what Munchkin said.

" Son...My Princess he is alive..." i look straight in his eyes and saw how his face change into disbelief and fury.

" Dad your jokes is not funny!!!.." He harshly get up and start to walk when i shouted.

" SIT DOWN AND LET ME FINISH!!!..I know what im telling you seem unbelievable but its the fucking truth,so hear me out first ok!.."

He sat down and notice the painting lying at the center table, " i want you to check this painting since it's all started there when your Papa see the signature of the painter..."

He went down to the center table and check it,what he said confirmed Tee beliefs and hearing all the details how my Princess trademark is known to them makes all the truth undeniable.But how come he never come back to us,.

"What's really happened to him...,

Why he is living in far away place?

Princess what's really happened to you that night?.."

I asked to myself while I'm staring at them,I felt so weak like all my strength was drained. I looked to N'Thanu who is holding Munchkin on his lap and listening to N'Kit explanation..

I breathed deeply and wiped the tears while thinking everything that happened tonight.I stared hard at the painting and slowly tracing the signature and feeling his trademark hidden behind his name.

I covered my mouth before my sob escaped and seeing how Thanu broke down again with all the truth.I walk to him and patted his back while he looked at me with tears.

" Dad My Baby is really alive right?..." he asked with broken voice and I nodded at him.


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