Chapter 27 I'm Lost Without You

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Thanu's POV

We are on the way to the hospital now and my Baby seem nervous and he keep shuffling on his seat while sitting beside me.

" Baby, everything is going to be ok,don't think too much." I entwine our fingers and he sigh deeply and lay his head at my shoulder.

" I'm sorry Phi, what if I can't recover my memories anymore, what if - ...."

" Ssshhhhh.... enough baby,  even you won't remember it all, we can always make a new memory's right? "  he move a bit and stared at my eyes seeking for the truth then smile afterwards.

I kiss his forehead, " I love you so much baby always remember that, I was so lost without you in my life and now that you're in my arms again, nothing and i meant nothing can tear us apart again." I whisper to him softly and he tighten his hold on me while he mumbling sorry repeatedly.

" Sir Thanu, Young Master, we are here."  P'Sandee told us the moment we are calm and collected.

I looked ahead and saw Dad Tae and Papa Tee are getting out of their car with the hospital security waiting for them.I'm glad we are in private parking basement and only the owners had access to use it.We are not ready to come out yet and let the world know that Darvid heir is alive.I hold my Baby hand and go out of the car to walk beside them.I can see some shock faces of the security but they never said anything, I'm sure P'Sandee already told them about their Young Master being alive.

" Princess are you ok? "  Dad Tae asks the moment we step inside of the elevator.I glance at my Baby and notice his face getting pale and shaking a bit.

" Sweetheart??..."

" Dad...P-Papa..I'm getting di-zzzyyy..." he managed to says before he collapsed in my arms.


" PRINCESS!!..."


We all shouted and i scooped him up in my arms while Dad and Papa reached out to checked him. P' Sandee keep pressing the elevator and soon it's open to the floor where Private Rooms for the owners is located.

" What happened!? " N'Kit shouted the moment he see me carrying unconscious Wayu. Beside him is Uncle Godt who is stood frozen seeing the face of Wayu.

" Ai'Godt follow us.." Papa nudge him and it's enough to make him move and followed us with his face full of questions but work comes first.

"Nong Kit, get everything ready and make sure no one knows of whats going on." Kit nodded and went out the door while Uncle Godt takes his pulses and examine him.I sat beside his bed and hold his hand while Dad and Papa stand behind Uncle Godt.

After making sure Wayu is ok,Uncle Godt faced Papa and Dad with his serious face and with his serious tone,

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!, AI'TEE,  AI'TAE!!!???.." he said in controlled anger and cold voice that i cringe and get nervous as I'm not used seeing and hearing him talked like that with Dad and Papa,

They both looked straight at him and nodded, " But how in the world?..." with shock face seeing their confirmation, he walk near at Wayu bed side and slowly he caressed his face, unsure if it's really Wayu.

" My Cutie Nephew is really alive??!..." he murmured  in shaky voice and his tears starting to fall down.

" Ai'Godt, he is but he doesn't have any memories of his past, that's the reason we never known his existence till our hospital organized the Medical Mission."

" What do you mean!!? ..."

" We found out he is suffering of amnesia for the past 10 years and lived at secluded village in Phuket.

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