Chapter 23 Being Left Behind

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Tee's POV

Stones Residence....
After i broke down and fell unconscious last night,P'Tae forbid me to go with them at the island.At first I argued and wanting to be there but he give me so much explanation that i give in to his reasons and let him go with N'Kit.

They left early and I anxiously watched them go,I go back to the inside after they were gone and sit at the living room,lost in my thoughts and staring at the darkness outside.

" N'Tee,are you okay?." P'Anya asked softly after her sudden appearance.

"I'm ok Phi,just anxious and nervous of waiting even they just left.."

" It's normal to feel like that N'Tee but it will only makes you anxious more..better help me to prepare breakfast for the kids,I'm sure they will wake up soon."

I look at P'Anya who embrace me gently and get up to walk towards the kitchen.I sighed and follow her while i glance at the sky even its still sorrounded with darkness.

We started to make breakfast for the kids,P'Anya let me do the cooking while she make some snack.I'm grateful for her way of distracting me of my worries,i made grilled skewers pork,Porridge with chicken and quail eggs,fried rice and mango sticky rice for dessert.Soon the sunrise show up and we're done setting our breakfast at dining table with the help of P'Anya.

" N'Tee, would you like to wake them up or i will be the one who will do it?."

" Let me do it Phi,just wait us here." I smile at her and start going up toward Munchkin room.

I knock his door first before i open it and i saw my Munchkin still in bed while Kalae is nowhere in sight.I walk near at the bed and hear some noise from the bathroom,Kalae must be taking shower.

I walk near at the bed and hear some noise from the bathroom,Kalae must be taking shower

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" Munchkin....Munchkin..,wake up,breakfast is ready.."

" Mmmmm...5 more minutes Mimi..Pleaseeee..." he sleepily said and tried to buried himself at the comfort of his blanket.

" No,i cooked your favorite breakfast,you don't want us to finish it all,are we?.."

" Really??.."

" go to your dad bathroom and fixed yourself.."

" Ok Mimi.."

He hurriedly get up and rush to the door but stop suddenly and walked back.

" Good Morning Mimi.."

I smile after he kissed my cheek and watched him sprinted to his parents room.Today would be a long day for us,the waiting and the anxiousness of not knowing what's going on is killing me.I just hope everything goes well with them.

I sighed and walk out of the room to goes downstairs.P'Anya looked up after she heard me entering at the dining room with her inquiry face.

" They will be down after they washed up Phi.."

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