Chapter 19 The Meaning of Archer's Wind

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Thanu's POV

" You had a fight again!?..." My baby exclaimed in disbelief while the little girl slowly nod her head looking guilty.

" Arrgghhh..Aira, how many times i told you not to fight since you are a girl! act like a boy more than your brother..." he said in resigned voice.

"But Papa they keep bullying us and P'Thad never fight back so i kick their asses!.."

" Mind your words Aira!.."

" Rara,just because i never fight doesn't mean I'm weak..,violence it's not the answer for the bullying.." the little boy said while the little girl looked guilty.

" Did you get hurt?..." My baby asks while inspecting her body.

" I'm fine Papa,i kick their asses and punch their faces before they can hurt me and the teacher arrived.." as she proudly told them while he shakes his heads in exasperation.

" I wonder with whom you get your attitude..." he said after checking her body for any injuries.

We chuckles hearing everything they're talking and Dad Tae shakes his head while tears running on his face.The little girl attitude is very similar with him and only Papa Tee tamed his temperament.

My baby instantly looks on us,disbelief and embarrassed of being heard of their conversation.I teared up as he look at us like strangers with no hint  of recognition at all.

" came back.." the little girl run to Kit as he ruffle her hair while the little boy just stared at us wary and guarded.

" I'm sorry but we are still close-.." he said politely while approaching us.

" Princess!!...don't you recognize me?..." Dad suddenly cut his word as he rush to hug him,unable to hold himself anymore.

" Prin-Princess??..I'm sorry but i think you mistook me from someone.." he paled and tried to move scared of being hug but Dad tighten his hold on him.

" Khun!!..let go of my Papa,your scaring him!..." the little boy yelled at Dad who started to move away.

" Baby...don't you recognize us?.." i said in desperate voice and teary eyes while he gasped and instantly turn his head to look at me terrified of what i called him.

"W-what..did you call me?.." he asks as he started to get paled.

"My Baby...My Wind..." i said softly while approaching him slowly.

"M-my...W-wind...wind..." he kept muttering the word as he started to sway and getting more paled clutching his head and falling unconscious.

"Wayuuu!.."  i shouted and rushed to catch his body before he fall down.


" Papa!.."

" Wayu!.."

We all shouted seeing him falling and they rushed to us,i scoop him up and the little boy had a presence of mind to lead us in a small house not far from the souvenir shop and I noticed the little girl close the door before she followed us with her worried face looking at her Papa.

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