Chapter 9 Painful Memories 2

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"'s ok,.." I look up at the person who is holding me and I cried nonstop hugging him tightly.

" Dadd..W-W-Wayuu...please tell me this is not true..please..he is already at home right.." I tried to stand but I don't have energy and keep falling while my Father tighten his hug to me and his shoulder shaking from crying seeing me broken.

" I'm sorry son...I'm so sorry..." he keep whispering to me as I clutch on his arms crying and broken.I felt another set of arms wrapped on my body and saw Papa Tee who is crying nonstop and broken,the realization hit me hard that I felt darkness slowly  embracing me. The frantic cries of Papa Tee and Dad seems so far away..

Flashback ends..

A month passed by before I woke up at the hospital,after I collapsed on their arms,my subconscious retreat at the safest corner of my mind,because of my past depression and trauma,I went into coma unable to endure the pain of losing him again.My family who is there with me was happy when I woke up especially my son who was beside me that time crying,afraid that I'm going to leave him too.I breathed deeply looking at the stone,the past still haunted me.

I grasp a handful soils and reluctantly spread it to the wind.

" I missed you baby and will always love you till my last breath... "

I whispered to the wind.I felt a gentle tap in my shoulder and I turned to look at him,he gestured his head for us to go,I breath deeply and place my hand to the stone before I follow him and we left the place with heavy heart.

We continue driving till we arrived at my house after almost an hour.As we get off we are unprepared to see Papa cold glare.

" Explain!.." His cold voice makes me shiver and I rub my nape guiltily while Dad slowly approached him.

" L-love...we forgot the time,sorry.." he apologetically says pacifying Papa,he stare at us then turned around to go back inside.

" Wheeww..Dad go on talk to Papa.." I urge him to go and he patted my shoulder before he followed Papa inside.

I walk in and saw Munchkin at the living room asleep while the tv is on.

" You're back Dear,have you seen your Papa Tee?..."

Mom asks as soon as she saw me came in and she just come out from the kitchen she must be cooking before we arrived.

" He went up with Dad Tae.." i said in a low voice after kissing her cheeks,she pat my face gently and we both seated near at my son.

I gently place his head in my lap and caress his hair, my mom gazed lovingly at us and we talk softly where I go with Dad.She patted my back as I re tell everything. A tears fall down on her face seeing my pain,My son move at my lap to seek for more comfortable position.

" You better bring him to his room,I will call you once the dinner is ready.." I nod at her as I scoop my son carefully and walk upstairs to bring him to his room.

I gently place him to his bed and cover his body with blanket,.

" I love you Munchkin.." I whisper softly and kiss his forehead before I walked out carefully from his room. I went to my room and took a long shower to washed off the tiredness and dust remnant of riding motorbike...

Theo's POV

A small sob escape in my lips after I heard Dad closed the door.I was not asleep when they arrived,I felt when Dad put my head and his lap and let him caress my hair since it seldom happened and i was not prepared hearing the truth how Mom passed away.I controlled my emotion to let Dad talk till he finished and I pretended to move thankful that grandma told him to bring me in my room.My hearts broke hearing the truth,Dad Pained voice and i dont know if i still can hold my emotions if i stay there longer.I get up and go to the bathroom, i open the faucet,let it run and slumped down at the floor.crying nonstop, my hands covered my mouth afraid to make a sound.

" I missed you Mom..I promise I will take care Dad for you.." I murmurs to myself after breaking down and calm myself.

I washed my face and check if my eyes still red from crying,I looked at the mirror and did a breathing exercise to calm my nerves and go out to the bathroom,i walk directly to the balcony there is no star tonight as im looking around,I sat down at the couch and plug in my headset to my phone,I listened my favourite music while looking at dark sky.

Tee's POV

We just come home from the mall and I bring the shopping bag to our room while munchkin do the same.

It's 2 Pm already,I wonder if both men already done doing their stuffs.I walk down to basement garage and find the place empty and with no bike on it.I went back upstairs and sat down at the living room,soon P'Anya come back together with her security and carrying a load  of grocery bags.

" Hello Phi.."

" N'Tee you're back ..Is N'Tae and Thanu not back yet?.." P'Anya asks as I help her arranged the grocery she bought.

" Not yet Phi,do you know where did they go.?

"No,I only saw them when they were at the garage and I thought they are just fixing something but I heard a motorbike noise and I saw them leaving.." she shake her head in disbelief.

I sighed and walked back to the living room after we finished putting the grocery stuff, i open the tv and watch news,soon munchkin come down fully fresh and lay his head on my lap facing the tv..

" Are you tired Munchkin?" I ask as i reek his hair gently and gaze at his face.

" Nahh im good..thank you Mimi for buying me new clothes and shoes.." he turn to look at me and smile warmly.

He faced the tv again and seek for more comfortable position and we watched TV,i was so engrossed at the tv that i never notice its already dark outside.My munchkin is already asleep in my lap and im beginning to feel cramps in my legs,i  carefully lift his head and put a pillow,then i slowly get up and stretched my legs.After i feel like the cramps is gone i go to the kitchen and see P'Anya starting to prepare dinner.

" Phi,why you never call me i could help you here.."

She give me a smile and slightly shakes her head," Its ok,i know you are tired going with Munchkin beside i love to cook for you guys.."

" Are you sure you dont want me to help you?" I ask again while getting a glass of water.

" Im sure N'Tee..,just accompany our Munchkin there." She shoo me out of the kitchen and i sighed in defeat,im walking back to the living when i heard the motorbike noise coming in to the garage.I walk at the basement garage instead and wait at the stair till they show.

" Explain!.." i glare at them coldly and check their appearance if they are ok,i sigh in relief when i saw that they are ok,P'Tae tried to explain but i turned around to go back and ignored him.I go to our room with P'Tae following me.

" L-Love,hear me out first ok," He took both my hand and lead me to sit at the edge of our bed, im still not saying anything.

" I am sorry if i never told you that we are going for drive with the motorbike,i know you fear for our safety but Love N'Thanu need it,i noticed his pain and the only thing i can do is shared our secret place to him,to let the place ease his pained.." I look straight in his as he explained his action.

" Did it help?" he nod at me,

" I hope so and we also visit the place where our son lost his life.." He said in low voice, " He broke down while we are there and i hope this time he can start to move on..."

" Im sorry just worried since you never told me you were going for a drive and you know me,i always want to know where you going..."

He wrapped his arms around me and hug me tight, i start crying eversince our son passing in car accident,i was never been the same again..


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