Chapter 10 Bumping Into Her

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Thanu's POV

Its been past 2 weeks since the incident where Dad And I visited the place where Wayu died.Right now i'm at my own company working and trying to find out how we keep losing the deal.I was so busy checking the proposal,when a knock interrupted me.

"Come in.."

"Sir Mr.Ronnakorn is here to see you.." Sab says looking flustered and annoyed.I almost smile but i hid it right away when i saw him warning me.

"Ah,Yes let him come in.."  as the person come in Sab immediately go out a faint blush visible on his cheek that he was trying to hide. " Thank you for coming Mr.Ronnakorn..., May i offer you something?.."

"Hmmm..yes please can i have a cup of coffee please and thank you.." i motion him to sit at the couch while i use the intercom to ask Sab for a coffee.

" I asks you here because i want to confirm something from you regarding the contract although its look good but i notice something that piqued my attention..." i give him the new contract together with the original copy.

I keep staring at him and seeing his shock reaction,my doubts was right he doesnt know whats going on..

"What is this?..,Mr.Stones i was the one who prepared the contract and this is not the one I prepared.

A warning knock interrupt us and Sab coming inside with a tray of coffee,I observe their interaction,their discrete glancing each other and the permanent blush on Sab face when the other one would tease him.

"Thank you Sab,.."

He nod at me and goes out the room,Mr.Ronnakorn seem mesmerize of  my assistant,

" He's Single.." i saw him blush and tried to act like it was nothing and i smirk watching him getting nervous.

"Sorry he is cute,.." he wink and grin after he recover his self.

"Hahaha..that i agree Mr .Ronnakorn.."

"Call me Padbok since we are in same age.." i look at him and nod.

"Then Thanu will do.." we both go back to our conversation and i let him check all the document also the discrepancies i noticed in our contract.He keep muttered expletive curse seeing the contract.

"Now I understand why Mr.Varodom asked me to check the contract before I signed and since i trusted my uncle i never bothered to read it again.." He leaned down at the couch and close his eyes before he checked the paper once again.

"The damage is already done and all we can do is make sure the construction and materials is what we agreed.." he keep nodding his head while i sit back staring at him. "One more thing lets keep it a secret for now until the investigation is done.."

He agreed to me and we talk more,planning how we will settles it and shakes hand once we have reach into agreement.He left after our discussions and i checked my watch its almost lunchtime.I tidy my table and make sure all the important documents are tucked in safe place before i went out of my office,i saw Sab busy typing on his phone and making annoyed face.i shake my head and pitying whoever makes him annoyed.

"Sab..Im going out for lunch and you can have a break too..I'll be back around 1pm for the next meeting.."

"Ok,Sir  have a nice lunch.."

I nod at him and proceed to the elevator,i pressed the button for Mark floor which is one down below.soon it opened in Mark floor and i went out in time to see his assistant talking to someone on phone but once she saw me she paled and look scared cutting the call then act like she is doing something on her desk.

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