Extra Mark and Kit

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Kit's  POV

At W.B Hospital.......
I'm sitting anxiously in my office chair, in my hand is the result of my check up but I'm to afraid to see it, hmmm....I need someone to be here with me. I took my phone and dialed his number.

Calling Wayu....

" Hello Kit?......."

" Yu, I- I'm nervous....i got the result but i don't have a courage to see it."

" I will be there then, give me a half hour ok......."

" Thanks Yu, I really need you at this moment."

" You're my best friend Kit, Of course i will be with you......."

I cut off the call and got up, i walk towards the glass wall and looked outside of my office. I kept playing on my hand and sat down at the couch inside of my office.

" Ahhhh...this is killing me!" I muttered to myself while looking at my desk. My mind comes back on the day i decided to make a big decision without my husband knowledge.


Few months ago before Wayu and P'Thanu Renewal of Vows ......

" Uncle, i want to undergo as your test subject.."

" W-WHAT!!!...." He shouted shock of what i said. " That's not gonna happen N'Kit! , do you want me to be dead under your Uncle Tee scalpel!??? " he says in dreadful tone. I grin seeing his face but smile warmly thinking of Uncle Tee.

Eversince i met him and after Wayu disappearance we became close to each other, he became my Second parents and teacher. He was also very protective of me and my family. I am also scared of his reaction once he find out what I'm about to do but i know he will understand.

" But Uncle, you need someone to make your assumptions is right and I'm sure you did a lot of research on this.."

" I know...i know, I'm confident with my research but N'Kit I can't be 100 percent it will work."

" That's why I'm here Uncle...please let me try it."

" Ugh...Are you sure?... on this project we can't get our hopes high and we will do it in Japan since i've heard a similar case there."

" Thank You Uncle Godt!..." i hug him immediately and I'm anxious with excitement."

" Ugh N'Kit...we can't be happy for now, remember we need someone approval......and N'Kit you have to be sure about this because once we started, there's no turning back. " He said with all the seriousness and I can't help but nodded to him.

I left his office and decided to go to Uncle Tee office, i knock once I arrive and when i heard his voice giving me a permission to enter , I nervously turn the knob and decided to face him. What I didn't expect was Ai' Yu to be there also.

" Hey Kit, how you doing? " Wayu ask in cheerful voice.

" I'm Fine Yu, I didn't know you were here.. maybe am I interrupting something? " i asks after i went to hug him. They both shake their head and snile to me.

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