Chapter 13 Win Chantara

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Kit's POV

At Pha Nga Bay Resort....
Today is our last day here ,we have to go back at Bangkok later around lunch,I still have time to explore the beach and buy some souvenirs.I smile when I remember the two kids but i facepalm myself when I realized my mistake.

"Arrgghhh... i am so stupid how can i forget to ask them the shop's name.." i curse myself with the idiocy of my actions. I walked in sour mood and head to the restaurant for breakfast.I enjoyed the foods here,very local and not expensive.Soon my colleagues joined me and we talked our experience here during the medical mission yesterday.

I was chatting with my colleague when a staff approach me..

"Excuse me Khun..there's a little girl looking for you at the entrance.." he politely said after his greeting.

I stood up in surprise and dash outside to check if my assumption is right and there she is.,

"Rara!..i thought i will never got a chance to visit your shop.." i said rushing to her side.

"Hello Dr.Kit,it's my mistakes I forgot to tell you our shop name...i only remember when P'Thad remind me this morning as I'm waiting for you to show up."

She explained shyly and I laughed at her cuteness..She really look like my best friend,if he was alive i would think she is her daughter although it crossed my mind but it's impossible since this place is far away from Bangkok.

"Its ok,I'm sorry I forgot to asked too..shall we go to your shop then?.." she hold my hand and lead me to their shop.

It takes 15 minutes walking from the restaurant before we reached the souvenirs shop,it's in opposite side of resort I'm staying,I saw his little brother outside the door greeting all the costumer who is going inside to their small shop.

Rara let go of my hand and run to her brother side happily and pointing at my direction. I smile to him and he greeted me politely while letting me inside.

"Wow,your souvenirs shop looks good.."i complimented him and he give me little smile which warm my heart.I look around and choose trinkets,native placemats and i saw some decorative Jar that very artistic.

"This is look awesome..who made it?.." i ask admiring the remarkable works of arts.

"Oh,its one of Papa works,.." Rara proudly answered and lead me to the other works,there's also selling painting..

"Hmmmm this painting is nice gift to Uncle Tee.." i murmured to myself and looking around for more.The shop looks wonderful and very artistic no wonder there so many costumer.

I was done choosing souvenirs and looking around,the kids was in the counters and busy helping the woman who is in charge of the cashier.

I paid the items i bought and they wrapped it nicely,i took a picture of the kids and they approached me.

"Im sorry Dr.Kit,Papa is not yet back from buying supplies.." Rara says apologizing for her Father absence.

"Its ok im sure i will meet him one the way here is my calling card if you need help you can always call me here.." she takes my card and i ruffle her hair.

"Thank you Dr.Kit,My father name is Win Chantara.." i smile as she provided me her father name.i bend down and kiss her cheek while she hug me and i ruffle the little boy head before i go out at the shop.

I waved at them while they were watching me walk away,I felt sad leaving,meeting them is one of the best in my stay here.I don't know why but every time they wanted me to meet their father there's always a circumstances happening preventing me from meeting him.

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