Chapter 7

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Shen Wei waiting for his father to talk something in his room but meantime his phone rings he attend the call and went out from the house. 20 minute later he arrives at coffee shop he entered in shop and start walk toward the table, there's a person already sitting on chair and sucking his lollipop. "Yunlan" Wei said and makes other to look at him, Yunlan smile and Shen Wei come closer and sits front of him and smile cutely and he start asking one by one question to him.

"How are you.....when you arrive...... and" Yunlan take out his lollipop and fed Wei to make him stop. Shen Wei frown and Yunlan chuckle. Oh..... Xiao Wei you look more beautiful today. Shen Wei ear turn red and he pull out the lollipop and start reading the menu card. Wei order juice and some snacks, and asked Yunlan he want anything but other only shook his head (no).

While eating his food Wei asked him again how he come here........and Yunlan told him, that he come here because his department send him here to solved this town mysteries death issue........ because he was Chief of DRAGON CITY.......after all.

Wei feels so happy for him and wants some treat but yunlan smirk and said you didn't finish your snacks and you want another treat? Shen Wei pouts his mouth and turns his head to other side. Minute later Wei remembers something and pulls Yunlan out of the coffee shop and said while sitting in Yunlan's car. I want to saw you something so drive me, I'll show you the way. Yunlan hop in his car and start driving

Couple of hours later they arrive there, there is a long green grass field with a having huge waterfall in the center, and the side of the waterfall there's a big Sakura Tree (Cherry Blossom) who covers the 1/4th part of field area. Yunlan stunned by the nature's beauty, he looked beside him and found Wei who stand next to Yunlan while inhale the fresh air of nature.

Again Yunlan stunned by Shen Wei's beauty, who's beauty not compare to others nor nature. Yunlan turn and grab Wei's shoulder with his both hand and lean his head to Wei and kiss his soft pink lips. Shen Wei pushes Yunlan back and run toward the tree while shout on Yunlan

"Why you do that, what if someone sees us like this....."

But Yunlan only chuckle seeing Wei's red cheeks..... Yunlan go closer to Wei and hold his hand to make other look back......

"I am sorry....I didn't mean that"

"It's okay...."

Your cheeks are still red what are you thinking right now? Shen Wei hides his face in other chest and Yunlan wrap his hand around Wei and take him in his embrace. Sometime later they sit on the bench and enjoying the beautiful nature, Wei feels sleepy so he rests his head on Yunlan's shoulder. He again kiss Wei forehead and said if you sleep here then I won't spare you...........But the other ignores him and sleep while holding Yunlan's arm.

Yunlan see Shen Wei is sleeping, he smile and pick him up in bridle style and gently laid him on the car sit and back to the driver sits then start driving but slowly can't want to wake his Beloved one.............

It's 11:55 pm they arrive at Shen Mansion, Yunlan shake him gently. Shen Wei stirs little then opens his doe eye. Shen Wei got out from the car and smile to Yunlan they bid goodbye to each other and Yunlan drove way, Shen Wei enters his Mansion gate and go toward the house he press the doorbell. His mother opens the door........

Flashback Ends


In Shen Mansion

Knocking sounds heard by Mrs. Shen, she woke up and try to wake her husband. Mr. Shen wake up and asked his wife what happen, then she pointing her index finger to the door. Mr. Shen opens the door and sees a servant standing nerves there.

"What happen to you why you shiver?" Servant tell him when she was in kitchen while drinking water a bodyguard come to her and said that he saw a thief at young master's balcony. Mr. and Mrs. Shen shock and run up stair to looking for their son.....

Yunlan again hold Shen Wei chin and make other look in his eye...... Should I punish you........ Wei smile and close his eye for taking his punishment. Yunlan don't waste his golden chance and press his plum lips on the other soft pink lips. Yunlan got shocked when Shen Wei pulled him for a deep kiss..... It's like he just taste his favorite candy.........

Shen Wei moaned while kissing Yunlan passionately......he opened his mouth so that Yunlan can devour him fully........ Yunlan slide his hand down and lift Wei in his arm. Shen Wei also wrapped his leg around Yunlan's waist........while kissing him hungrily. Zhao break the kiss and let Wei some air. Then he kiss his neck, collarbone and again grab his swallow lips............ to devouring him.

"Wei......... Wei........ Open the door son....." Mr. Shen knock Shen Wei door hurriedly. Shen Wei heard the knocking sound.......he back to his sense and pushed Yunlan and said worriedly...... It's my dad please go from here......what if he saw you please I'm begging you go......please......plea "First promise let me do what I want....." Shen Wei glares at him and Yunlan smirk and jump out from the window, Shen Wei calm himself first then rush toward the door...........

Hong said to her father what if something happen to him let's breaks the door, Yezun heard Hong and try to break but suddenly Wei opens the door and sees his father and the others who worriedly looked at him.

"What's happen dad...?"

"Are you okay......son? What take you so long....?" Mr. Shen enters in his room and asked.

"I'm in washroom...."

Yezun check Wei's room and shook his head to Mr. Shen, his dad sigh relief and told Wei everything about what servant tell hm...... Shen Wei understands what servant sees, he smiles shyly when he remember what happen a minute ago......... Yezun notice his brother shyly expression but didn't say anything only cough to get him in reality..........Shen Wei understand and feel embarrass he kneel his head down and said politely "I feel tired want to sleep"

Mrs. Shen kiss his cheek.... and all went to their room for some sleep. Shen Wei lay down on his bed and keep touching his lips as he again remember what happened a minute ago.......he blushed and hide his face in pillow.........unknown to him Yezun looked at him with a moist eye he can understand his brother feeling.........he slowly close his door and left with sad expressions........!!


Hey! Guys..........☺ 

Hope u all doin well........ ❤

Now tell me do u all have any idea.......Why Yezun was worried 4 his brother.........??😶

Sweet dreams 💓 and enjoy their get together 💕💕

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