Chapter 29

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Shen Mansion

In the morning Zhu Hong feeling restless.....she rolls on her bed back and forth while squeezing her eyes, suddenly some past memory come to her mind...... Zhu Hong opens her eyes......"AHHH!!!"and she suddenly scream in pain and faint.


10 Year ago.....

When Zhu Hong heard about Wei, her head spin and she faint......after week later she open her eyes and found her mother and father sitting beside her with moist eyes. She become worried for her brother(Shen Wei). Hong think something happen with Wei, but her mother hugged her tightly and start crying......

"Mom what Wei okay?" he was fine my child but..... Mr. Shen tries to say but stop in the middle....which make Hong suspicious "but, what dad...." Mr. Shen looked at her face which wants some answers.... "I am sorry..... Miss Hong but I can't save your unborn child" doctor come and said to her, and this sudden news makes her eye widen.

"What you mean?"

"I know it's shocking for you but, it's true....when you faint, you're pregnant and because of sudden shock you got miscarriage.....and..."


"Sorry for that....but you can't conceive again" doctor said and leave from there. Tears rolls from her a waterfall, she crying heavily..... "What my fault dad....why I'm suffer like that...tell me why?" Hong shout and also cry.

Mrs. Shen again hugged Zhu Hong and cry with her. When Hong calm down a bit, she looked at his father and said "dad....what I'm gonna do now....I lost everything..." Zhu Hong said in her sobbing 

"don't cry my child.....I can't take this.....please don't hurt yourself" Mr. Shen said and hug her..... "Because of him, this has happened to my children, I promise to you...... I will not leave him, and make him pay" Mr. Shen inwardly said and they all cry while hugging each other.


Yezun stir and open his eye.....he blink for some time then sit up on the bed. He looks here and there.....and widen his eyes in shock, because Yezun found Da Qing who sleep beside him and look cute. Yezun remember his last night and hit his own head with his palm, he hurriedly covers his naked body with a quilt....and curse himself. Then he stood up from his bed and......


Yezun tremble and fall on the floor with loud sound......and that make Da Qing snapped open his eyes "What are you doing down there.....DARLING" said Da Qing. Yezun glare at him " foot!! How dare you to do this to me?" Yezun stand and said angrily.

"You forget....our last hot and passionate night. When you plead to me....for more....!!!!" Da Qing wink at Yezun......and other only avert his eye and turn red.

"Next'll be under me, and I'm not gonna spare get that" Yezun threaten him "Oh! Means you like I right.....Darling!" Da Qing said and Yezun look down and smile....... Da Qing lifts his head up and kisses him....they both share a hot and steamy kiss

"Umm...uumm" Yezun moan which instigate Da Qing for he push Yezun on the bed, and start devouring him. But Yezun flip Da Qing without breaking the kiss and press his naked body on him and start rubbing it......which make Da Qing feel so hot........but they both startled when they heard Zhu Hong scream. "jiejie!!" Yezun shout and they both grab their cloth and run toward her room.

In Woods Cabin

Couple of police car and ambulance stop at the cabin.....and lots of hospital staff, police officer and some forensic doctor running here and there for collecting evidence. "It seems like a big chaos happened here" Chu Shuzhi said

"But why? And how?" Sang Zan said which make Chu think of something....... "We collect all the dead bodies and the evidence" one officer said......and Chu tell him, he want all report as soon as possible. Officer nod and rush from there.

"Helpppppp! aahhh!" someone yelled from outside......Chu and Sang run toward the way, where that voice come from. They reach and found Guo Chang Cheng crouch beside a dead body while covering his face with his palm "Now what....happen to you?" Chu said and other tell him....that body open his eye and glare at him.

"This body?!"


"you mean.....this DEAD body?"


"Guo Chang Cheng! Give me one reason....why I'm not kill you!!" Chu Shuzhi angrily shout on that poor creature. "I...w....a...s.....s...c..a..r..e..." Chu furiously grit his teeth.....when that mosquito try to speak. "You....." Chu about to shout again, one officer come and tell him that....the man whose body we found in the forest, is not from this town.

Chu frown and think of something then say "That means....,he was called by someone from the outside of the town" other nod his head in collaborate. "Why not we call Chief Zha....o..." Guo dared to open his mouth, and try to complete his word.......but Chu glare at him and other didn't utter a word.

"I think he's right sir.....we have to call Mr. Zhao, after all he was our Chief" that officer said and Chu looked at the all staff.....who was waiting for his answer. Chu Shuzhi don't want to disturb the newlywed couple in the morning.....but he has no other choice, so he sighs and call Zhao Yunlan.

Zhao Apartment

Meantime, Shen Wei wake up and found Yunlan sleeping beside him......and he looks so handsome. Wei smile and softly place kiss on his cheek then he slowly stood up from bed......and go to the bathroom for shower.

Shen Wei shyly smile when he look himself in the mirror.....those love bites which was place on his snow white skin. He remembers his first night and suddenly turns red like a tomato...

Wei hurriedly goes to the shower room and enjoying the water droplet on his body. When Shen Wei was busy in his bath, an invisible being looking at him with lustful eyes......

Wei feels hot breath on his back, he turn but no one there. Shen Wei turn off the shower then......looked here and there, but didn't find anything, (or I say anyone) later he finish his bath and wear his T-shirt and trouser.

But Shen Wei feels someone looking at him......Wei hurriedly wear his cloth and go from there. Actually Shen Wei was right that invisible being looking at him, all the time........while enjoying the beautiful view.


Hello everyone....🙋

Hope you all enjoy while reading this☺

Have any questions feel free.....To asked😇

I'm sorry for my grammar mistake, English is not my language so bear with me.....🙏🙏


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