Chapter 28

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Zhao Apartment

Yunlan stop his car and looked beside his sit and found Shen Wei sleeping there peacefully........he smile and gently pick his angle in his arm......Wei stair little and sleep again. Da Qing already there and waiting for them with one police officer.......he early left from venue and come there to help if Yunlan need.

Da Qing open the apartment door for Yunlan and rush to the car.......he and that officer start place all gifts and luggage one by one in the apartment and the other side........Yunlan gently place Wei on the bed and peck on his lips then cover him with quilt.

"Everything done Lao take care of yourself and Wei........and if anything you want call me" Da Qing said and about to leave, Zhao hug him and said "thank you Fatty.....for your help. You again help me to find my Shen Wei!! Thank you so much" Da Qing smile and go from there with the officer......

Yunlan lock the door and come to his bedroom and sit beside Wei on the bed and care his cheek. Shen Wei slowly opens his doer eye and smile when he found two cute brown eyes looking at him lovingly.......

"What you looking at"

"My beautiful life...."

Shen Wei again smiles and sit up on the bed.......Yunlan help him and give him his medicine, Wei take and looked at Yunlan face blankly. "What your dad....said that time.....Yunlan?" Wei asked and Yunlan chuckle..... "You want to know.....Wei" Zhao Yunlan said seductively......Shen Wei understand his meaning he shyly look down.

Yunlan pull him gently in his embrace........he lift Shen Wei chin and kiss his soft juicy lips.......he was addict for his angel's beautiful thin lips. Yunlan break the kiss and found his beloved closing his eye in shyness and his lips which was swallow right now........Zhao Yunlan push him on the bed and again devour Shen Wei lips....... "Ummm...aahh" Yunlan lost in his world when other replying him passionately and moan.

Zhao hurriedly open Wei shirt and throw it on the floor...... "Give yourself to me Xiao Wei......I want my gift." Shen Wei smile shyly and also lost in his Yunlan love, he was ready to become his....he was ready to give himself to Yunlan without any worries. "You have to take your responsibility my dear.......husband.....then I grant you a lovely gift" Shen Wei said and kisses Yunlan again "Of beautiful wifey" Yunlan said kissing him.

Yunlan couldn't wait he sneak his hand inside Wei pant and start rubbing his prize......Shen Wei clinches bedsit tightly and becoming moaning mess "ahhh....aaahh" Yunlan again kiss Wei lips and then start licking and sucking his nipple to earning more moans....and with his other hand he keep rubbing his prize........and Yes!! Wei can't control himself "" Wei try to speak but he can't because his husband busy in rubbing and sucking him roughly.

"aaaaaahhhhhhh!!" Wei moan loud when he cum on Yunlan hand. Yunlan stop and lick his hand seductively....... Wei panting heavily and turn red like tomato and hide his face in the pillow. Yunlan throw rest of their cloths and open Wei legs.......he stop for a moment.......Yunlan admiring him with his cute brown eyes and his beauty shyly closes his legs while hiding his face in pillow. Yunlan hold his legs "Don't be shy Xiao me" Shen Wei turn to him "be gentle with me....Ah lan"

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