Chapter 10

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"Wu Ling......" Mrs. Shen shout......... what are you doing, why you..... She cut by her husband, what I am doing? Why don't you ask him.....we send him to get higher study, not to play the lover game? I know we're opens minded, but it's not that mean you can do whatever you want. "I know but at least listen to him" Mrs. Shen try to calm her husband. Hong also shiver from her father anger.......but Yezun angrily glare at his father.

Mr. Shen also again glares at crying Wei and continue....... "What happen to you back then ten years ago? How you forget that........ If Hong didn't help you that day......then what kind of circumstances you going to face." Shen Wei looked at his father in shock. He was shivering badly when Mr. Shen recalls his past incident.

"Do you have any idea? Which way you're life turns to. Have you any shame in your eye...... if something happen that day how I'm going to face our relative and the town peoples" Shen Wei fall on his knee while covering his ears in front of his father who back to back blaming him.

"You have to thanks to Mr. Zhu Wen and Zhu Jiu. They know everything about you and that incident. And still they have no problem with that" Mr. Shen mocked "So you still think that all....... Shen Wei fault" Yezun interrupt in anger. "What kind of father you are......who think all Wei fault not that bastard......Ha..." "Please stop!!" Yezun stop when Hong shout......

"Stopped you two...... you hurting an innocent soul" "Innocent......huh! You think he was innocent? If he was.......he never do such a thing against my will" Mr. Shen shout on Hong. "And you....." looking at Shen Wei. "I'm not let anyone ruin my dignity and pride.......I have rights to take any decision about your life" pointing at Wei. Shen Wei only looking at his father who angrily shouts on him...... "But dad.... At least......." Shen Wei cut by his father again.... "Shut up...... just Shut up Wei...... don't make me slap you again...... go in your room, and sleep you have a date tomorrow"

"No...... I'm not going with him anywhere....."Shen Wei said to Mr.Shen. Who again become angry and he grab Wei wrist harshly and drag him to his room and throw him on the bed. When he about to leave........Shen Wei cell phone start ringing....... Mr. Shen pick Wei's phone and see the caller ID. "Ah lan....."Mr. Shen mumbles.

Shen Wei looked at his father then his cell this the man you talking about? He was so afraid right now........he have no courage to say anything but his breath stock in his throat fall on the bed when........Mr. Shen break his phone in anger and slap him hard again. He grab Wei arm and angrily asked "How far you go with him......Wei" Shen Wei widen his eye

"No! Dad, I didn't do anything"

"And he?"

Shen Wei's tears never stop from his eyes. He never think his life turn like this........Mr. Shen leave his arm and go from there then lock the door from outside and said to his wife and the others. "This door is only open when Zhu Jiu comes for him.... If any of you open that door.....ready to face my anger..... Is that clear?" everybody nods, expect Yezun who angrily looking at his father and said. "Are you out of your mind....... Why you do that to him, it's very important decision for his life, you have to asked his likes or dislikes"

But Mr. Shen only glare at Yezun and go to his room, and close the door by a loud thud. Yezun grit his teeth and also go to his room. Only Mrs. Shen and Zhu Hong left alone on the dinner table..... Shen Wei sits on his bed while hugging his knee, he crying too much. Memories with Yunlan come to Wei's mind, he try to control his tear but can't help. Sometime later he sleeps in his sob......


Hope u all enjoy by reading this part........☺

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